Top 5 Best & Worst Small cap performers in a year
So far the worst hit stocks in the market from 2018 have been small caps and mid caps. Some recovery was seen during the period March to May 2019 but yet again a massive correction was seen till September 2019.
The small cap index had closed at 13,738.32 on October 24, 2018. So far over the year, the index has made 52 week high and low of 15,229.85 and 11,950.86 respectively. On October 24, 2019, it closed at 13,204.31.
For the above said period, we have considered companies listed on BSE having market cap between Rs. 100 crore to Rs. 1,000 crore. Only 18 per cent companies managed to give positive returns to the shareholders whereas the remaining 82 per cent delivered negative returns.
Given below are the top 5 best and worst small cap performers for the period October 24, 2018 to October 24, 2019.
Top 5 best performers -

Top 5 worst performers –

(Source : Ace Equity)