Tejas Networks falls on acquisition of shares
Tejas Networks on Thursday informed that Consilium EM Small Cap Fund LP together with Consilium Extended Opportunities Fund LP and Legato Capital Management investment LLC together hold 45,64,829 number of equity shares of Tejas Network Limited.
Further, Consilium Extended Opportunities Fund LP has purchased aggregating to 97,935 number of equity shares of Tejas Networks Limited from September 25th to September 30th. The said acquirer with PAC together hold 46,62,764 number of equity shares of Tejas Network Limited. The mode of acquisition will be Open Market Acquisition.
Tejas Networks Limited is a professionally managed company. The company designs, develops and sells high-performance and cost-competitive networking products to telecommunications service providers, internet service providers, utility companies, defence companies and government entities in over 70 countries. Tejas Networks produces optical and data networking products. The company offers products such as converged packet optical, packet transport network, and enterprise Ethernet switches, as well as provides mobile backhaul, video transport and wireless broadband access.
On Thursday, the stock of Tejas Networks Limited opened at Rs. 81.00 per share and made an intraday high and low of Rs. 84.20 and Rs. 81.00, respectively on the BSE. The stock closed at Rs. 83.00, down by 0.60 per cent.