Suresh Agarwal: This Kolkata-based small-cap investor acquires a stake in this low P/E and high ROCE company; stock jumps 8 per cent Suresh Agarwal: This Kolkata-based small-cap investor acquires a stake in this low P/E and high ROCE company; stock jumps 8 per cent Suresh Kumar Agarwal, with his keen eye for opportunities, currently holds a 1.04 per cent stake in the company, equating to 183,000 shares Karan Dsij / Friday, October 13, 2023 3 19077 Article rating: 4.1 Suresh Kumar Agarwal, a man of many talents, is one such enigmatic figure hailing from the vibrant city of Kolkata, where he orchestrates his financial symphony through the Agarwal Family Office. Read more