Mukul Agarwal and Ashish Kacholia collectively gained Rs 4,30,49,020 in this small-cap stock; do you own it? Mukul Agarwal and Ashish Kacholia collectively gained Rs 4,30,49,020 in this small-cap stock; do you own it? This transformation had shifted it from being a traditional marketplace to a dynamic online platform. E-commerce had opened doors to an online discovery platform for all building materials Karan Dsij / Thursday, October 12, 2023 0 11537 Article rating: 4.1 Two small-cap ace investors, Mukul Mahavir Agarwal and Ashish Kacholia, held stakes in the company, translating to 550,000 and 451,140 shares each. When one did the math, the numbers were staggering Read more