Fone4 Communications (India) and Nanavati Ventures become the 373rd and 374th company to get listed on BSE SME Platform Fone4 Communications (India) and Nanavati Ventures become the 373rd and 374th company to get listed on BSE SME Platform So far, 138 companies have migrated to the main board. The 372 companies listed on BSE SME Platform have raised Rs.3,980 crore from the market and total market capitalization of 372 companies as on May 05, 2022 is Rs. 52,174 crore. BSE is the market leader in this segment with a market share of 60 per cent. Shreya Chaware / Friday, May 6, 2022 0 859 Article rating: 2.0 Fone4 Communications (India) Limited and Nanavati Ventures Limited become the 373rd and 374th company respectively, to get listed on the BSE SME Platform on May 06, 2022. Read more