Q1FY23 Results Winners & Losers
With several factors lending volatility to the equity markets and creating a downturn, it is time now to study the corporate results to check whether there are signs of a healthy uptrend for the coming quarter as well as get some insights on the sectors that have fared well. Armaan Madhani takes stock of Q1FY23 earnings, highlighting the hits and misses
The quarter ended June 30, 2022 witnessed a tempestuous and volatile operating environment in the equity markets on account of raging inflation levels, aggressive monetary policy tightening by central banks of major world economies, wild swings in crude oil prices, unprecedented rise in commodity prices, prolonged geopolitical tensions amidst Russia and Ukraine as well as price hikes by companies across the board to safeguard margins. Key monitorable trends that will impact the June quarter earnings comprise margin pressure, management commentary on inflation and future demand outlook. Let us decode the Q1FY23 earnings of early bird companies that have declared their results and discern the preview of companies expected to announce earnings in the coming weeks.