MF Data Bank
Databank of top-ranked equity funds based on DSIJ's proprietary research methodology.
The following table lists top-ranked equity funds based on DSIJ's proprietary research methodology. We have evaluated each funds underlying portfolio of stocks and ranked them based on their expected portfolio returns. In a similar way we calculated the risk of a fund based on its constituents. This helps us to ‘rank’ and assign ‘risk’ to newly launched funds also. We continuously evaluate equity funds based on the changed ratings of their underlying stocks and the change in their prices. Therefore, this list is quite dynamic and reflects the best possible return potential of the funds for the next one year. You can use this ranking to create your own mutual fund portfolio. Depending on your risk profile, return expectations and overall asset allocation, you can add the best performing fund category to your portfolio. For clarity and to include more funds, we have not included ‘Direct’ and ‘close-ended’ funds. You can visit our website ( to check the entire list along with equity-oriented hybrid and close-ended funds. This ranking can also be used for reviewing different holdings in your fund portfolio. Hence, a consistently laggard performer of a category can be looked at as 'Switch' or 'Exit' advice.
Key To Databank
Category Rank: Category wise ranking as on 15th July 2019
Scheme Name: This is the name of the mutual fund scheme NAV (`): Net asset value per unit of a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) on a specific date
AUM (`Crore): This is the total market value of financial assets held by the mutual fund scheme on a specific date.
Weightage: Large-Cap: This is a percentage of total assets held by a fund in the large-cap stocks as defined by AMFI for the current period.
Mid-Cap: This is a percentage of total assets held by a fund in mid-cap stocks as defined by AMFI for the current period.
Small-Cap: This is a percentage of total assets held by a fund in small-cap stocks as defined by AMFI for the current period.
Total No of Companies: This is a total number of securities held by a mutual fund scheme at the end of a specific month.
Expenses Ratio: This is the latest expense ratio disclosed by the mutual fund scheme
Return_1Years: This is the past one-year return given by the scheme.
Expected 1-yr return: This is based on our analysis of the portfolio of mutual fund scheme and their expected growth in the next one year, assuming the underlying remains the same. Current Rank: Rank as on 15th July 2019
Previous Rank of May 28th June 2019 is shown under bracket ()
Risk : Risk as on July 15th, 2019
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