Letter to Editor
I am extremely impressed by the way you have analysed the IPO market and its trends in the cover story section of your previous issue. I have an inclination towards conservative investing and investing in an IPO certainly bears a higher risk factor on my side. What are your views on investment in IPOs by conservative investors?
- Shaila M
Editor Responds: Thank you for the appreciating words and we are delighted to know that you found our cover story on IPOs interesting and informative. Given the maxim that ‘nothing will pay off more than educating yourself’, investing in quality IPOs should definitely be considered by conservative investors in their investment strategies. Doing the right amount of analysis and choosing the right company will help you the most in sticking to your investment strategy as well as reap the benefits of investments in IPOs. To be guided further on this, you can visit our website where we have already published analysis for various recent quality IPOs. We hope we have answered your query. Keep writing to us.