Let the Celebrations Begin!
First and foremost, here is wishing all my beloved readers a happy and prosperous Diwali. From the previous Diwali to this Diwali, Multibagger Stock I read your Multibagger story and liked it very much. I Want to know the future multibagger- can you help? - Harshal Wakale Editor Responds: Thank you for your query. We will not be able to help you with stock ideas here but future multibagger may come from pharma , chemicals or IT sector. Hope this helps. Do keep writing to us. I am sure we all have become wiser and stronger. The year 2020 has seen one of the sharpest dips and climbs all in one year. This has revived our conviction in equity – that whatever the case maybe, this asset class provides one with lots of opportunities and gains if one acts maturely, sensibly and patiently. In spite of fresh lockdowns being announced in other countries, the Indian markets are showing a lot of resilience and momentum. While many are expecting the current market rally to fizzle out, the banking stocks are keeping it propped up.
Even as I am penning this editorial, the initial trends of the US election results are coming out and there seems to be no clear signs of a winner yet. To understand how the markets may fare post the US elections and where exactly lies the opportunity for investors, do read our cover story. In case you agree with our stance on the market and are wondering how to prepare a portfolio, we have included the ‘top 10 stock ideas’ in the Diwali portfolio. We have also provided the weightages so that you can buy these 10 stocks in a wellbalanced proportion. We hope these stock ideas provide you with the much-needed profit by next Diwali.
The current issue is truly a special one not only because it is a Diwali special issue but also because we have recognised the efforts of the PSU sector leaders in India. The current issue carries the awards bestowed upon business leaders running the various public sector enterprises. It will provide a perspective on how the PSUs have been contributing to the Indian economy. In our other special story, we have analysed the pros and cons of participating in the markets via the PMS route versus taking the help of an investment advisory service. There is a notion that PMS’ can give higher returns. To understand the ground realities, the story will be of great help.
As of now, the market is tempting risk-takers who are finding it difficult to stay away given the fact that quality names are also participating in the market rally. However, for the majority, we would suggest to wait it out until the current volatility subsides. Markets want clarity and with the US election results – a big uncertainty – out of the way, the focus will again shift on earnings’ growth. Do catch the dips, be selective on stocks and do not get swayed by hearsay and herd mentality. Remember, the equity asset class needs you to keep your focus with a long-term perspective. We are with you on this journey. Meanwhile, have a wonderful, and safe, Diwali!
Managing Director & Editor