India - A Cure For Pharma Outsourcing Woes?
CDMOs: Unsung Hero of Pharmaceutical Value Chain
Pharmaceutical companies are making a transition to asset-light models, focusing on core competencies. This is where India’s contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMOs) step in, offering a potential remedy. Hence, both domestic as well as international companies are partnering with CDMOs for drug development, regulatory support and risk-sharing to expedite project timelines and ensure cost-effective manufacturing at scale while maintaining stringent quality standards. The report highlights the role of the CDMO companies and their future prospects
Eroom’s Law, the grim corollary to Moore’s Law, paints a concerning picture for the pharmaceutical industry. Drug discovery is becoming a labyrinth – increasingly expensive and time-consuming despite technological advancements. The inflationadjusted cost of developing a new drug roughly doubles every nine years. In order to highlight the contrast with the exponential advancements of other forms of technology such as transistors over time, the name given to the observation is Moore’s Law spelled backwards.