Here’s How To Invest Judiciously
Hemant Rustagi Chief Executive Officer, Wiseinvest Pvt Ltd.
Look at the big picture and think long-term at the start by establishing your goals over varying time horizons. Remember, a goal-based investment process ensures that you follow an asset allocation model and give risk management its due. This helps in creating the right balance between risk and reward.
Investing money judiciously is an important activity in your financial life. Hence, to be a successful investor, it’s important to make the most of the ever-expanding investment universe. It’s equally important to follow the right investment strategy and keep an eye on certain aspects that can impact the final outcome of your investment process over different periods. Therefore, as an investor, you must imbibe certain traits that can not only help you start your process right but also ensure that it remains on track through your defined time horizon. Here are some of these and how they can make you a better investor.