Sr. No. | Symbol | Company Name |
1 | ADHUNIK | Adhunik Metaliks Limited |
2 | ADLABS | Adlabs Entertainment Limited |
3 | AIRAN | Airan Limited |
4 | ANDHRACEMT | Andhra Cements Limited |
5 | ANSALAPI | Ansal Properties & Infrastructure Limited |
6 | ANSALHSG | Ansal Housing Limited |
7 | BALLARPUR | Ballarpur Industries Limited |
8 | BARTRONICS | Bartronics India Limited |
9 | BCG | Brightcom Group Limited |
10 | BILENERGY | Bil Energy Systems Limited |
11 | BLKASHYAP | B. L. Kashyap and Sons Limited |
12 | CAPTRUST | Capital Trust Limited |
13 | CIMMCO | Cimmco Limited |
14 | CKFSL | Cox & Kings Financial Service Limited |
15 | COFFEEDAY | Coffee Day Enterprises Limited |
16 | COX&KINGS | Cox & Kings Limited |
17 | DCM | DCM Limited |
18 | DIGJAMLTD | Digjam Limited |
19 | DQE | DQ Entertainment (International) Limited |
20 | DUCON | Ducon Infratechnologies Limited |
21 | EASUNREYRL | Easun Reyrolle Limited |
22 | EMAMIREAL | Emami Realty Limited |
23 | EON | Eon Electric Limited |
24 | EROSMEDIA | Eros International Media Limited |
25 | FLEXITUFF | Flexituff Ventures International Limited |
26 | GSS | GSS Infotech Limited |
27 | HIGHGROUND | High Ground Enterprise Limited |
28 | HOVS | HOV Services Limited |
29 | IBULISL | Indiabulls Integrated Services Limited |
30 | JBFIND | JBF Industries Limited |
31 | JISLDVREQS | Jain Irrigation Systems Limited |
32 | JISLJALEQS | Jain Irrigation Systems Limited |
33 | JPASSOCIAT | Jaiprakash Associates Limited |
34 | KELLTONTEC | Kellton Tech Solutions Limited |
35 | KWALITY | Kwality limited |
36 | LASA | Lasa Supergenerics Limited |
37 | LPDC | Landmark Property Development |
38 | MADHUCON | Madhucon Projects Limited |
39 | MANPASAND | Manpasand Beverages Limited |
40 | MBLINFRA | MBL Infrastructures Limited |
41 | MCLEODRUSS | Mcleod Russel India Limited |
42 | MOHOTAIND | Mohota Industries Limited |
43 | MTEDUCARE | MT Educare Limited |
44 | NAGREEKCAP | Nagreeka Capital & Infrastructure Limited |
45 | NIBL | NRB Industrial Bearings Limited |
46 | NITESHEST | NEL Holdings Limited |
47 | OILCOUNTUB | Oil Country Tubular Limited |
48 | OMKARCHEM | Omkar Speciality Chemicals Limited |
49 | OPTIEMUS | Optiemus Infracom Limited |
50 | OPTOCIRCUI | Opto Circuits (India) Limited |
51 | ORTEL | Ortel Communications Limited |
52 | PATELENG | Patel Engineering Limited |
53 | PATINTLOG | Patel Integrated Logistics Limited |
54 | PRAXIS | Praxis Home Retail Limited |
55 | RHFL | Reliance Home Finance Limited |
56 | RMCL | Radha Madhav Corporation Limited |
57 | RNAVAL | Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited |
58 | RPOWER | Reliance Power Limited |
59 | RUCHISOYA | Ruchi Soya Industries Limited |
60 | RUSHIL | Rushil Decor Limited |
61 | SAKUMA | Sakuma Exports Limited |
62 | SHYAMCENT | Shyam Century Ferrous Limited |
63 | SICAL | Sical Logistics Limited |
64 | SIMPLEXINF | Simplex Infrastructures Limited |
65 | SINTEX | Sintex Industries Limited |
66 | SOMICONVEY | Somi Conveyor Beltings Limited |
67 | SORILINFRA | SORIL Infra Resources Limited |
68 | SPMLINFRA | SPML Infra Limited |
69 | SPTL | Sintex Plastics Technology Limited |
70 | SUZLON | Suzlon Energy Limited |
71 | TALWALKARS | Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited |
72 | TALWGYM | Talwalkars Healthclubs Limited |
73 | TECHNOFAB | Technofab Engineering Limited |
74 | TGBHOTELS | TGB Banquets And Hotels Limited |
75 | TMRVL | The Mandhana Retail Ventures Limited |
77 | VIKASECO | Vikas EcoTech Limited |
78 | VIKASMCORP | Vikas Multicorp Limited |
79 | VISESHINFO | Visesh Infotecnics Limited |
80 | WINDMACHIN | Windsor Machines Limited |
81 | WINSOME | Winsome Yarns Limited |