Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon).
Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon).
Technical Analysis of 1 Stock (with 15 days horizon)
Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon).
Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon).
Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon).
Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon)
Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon).
Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon).
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Technical Analysis of 1 Stock (with 15 days horizon)
Fundamental Analysis of 2 Stocks (with 180 days horizon).
The company is engaged in manufacturing of paints, varÂnishes, enamels or lacquers, organic and inorganic comÂpounds. The company commands 11.1 per cent market share in terms of revenue and is the fourth largest player in the paints industry in India. Its PAT has grown at a CAGR of 31.5 per cent over FY15-17. It has delivered ROE of 20.9 per cent on a TTM basis. The
Indraprastha Medical Corporation