7 stocks with Beta of 1
What is Beta?
Beta coefficient is a measure of volatility compared to the market benchmark. A stock having beta of one means the stock’s movement is matching up with that of movement of markets. Higher beta stocks indicate high volatility while lower beta stocks indicate less volatility.
A negative beta stock means that the stock is moving in the opposite direction from the stock market i.e. when market is rising, a negative beta stock falls and when market is falling, a negative beta stocks rises.
The beta calculation helps investors to check how the stocks are performing as compared to the movement of markets. As in terms of markets, the benchmark indices are used to compare the stocks with the Indian stock market, BSE Sensex & Nifty 50.
We have found 7 such stocks which have a beta of 1 currently. They are as follows –

(Source - Ace Equity)
All the above stocks in the last year have been comparatively less risky and their movement has been in line with the movement of BSE Sensex.