52-w High - Low Story
I read your 52-w high-low story. It is very interesting to know the observations that you have shared. I especially thank you for providing us with the list of stocks that are near 52-w lows. Just wanted to know what filters can further be applied on these set of 52-w low stocks before constructing a portfolio?
- Sagar Gunjal
Editor Responds:
First of all, we are glad that you are able to use our 52-w high-low observations profitably. Investors will have to conduct sector analysis before investing these stocks. Focus can remain on growth in net sales, net profit, net margins and operating profit. One should check the trends in all these parameters specific to the company and for those companies that are in the same sector. The trend in RoE also needs to be studied. We thank you for your query and hope you will keep writing to us.