3 Tips to become wealthy
All of us dream of being wealthy in life, but these dreams come true for a very few. The reason behind the same is that there are few habits that many people miss to inculcate in them. So, here are few tips that would help you in your journey towards becoming wealthy.
Most of us have heard this phrase, “No Pain, No Gain”. Same is true with investments as well. When it comes to investments, the phrase goes like, “No Risk, No Returns”. To become wealthy understanding risk and then investing is a better idea, rather than just speculating. So, understand the risks involved in various instruments and investment avenues, then match with your own risk profile. Say for instance, if you are conservative in nature and your investment time horizon is 5 years then there is no meaning in going heavy on small cap investment space, rather investing in quality large caps would be a better idea. This would not just help you to create wealth but also help you to take risks which you can digest.
Multiple income streams
As Warren Buffet has rightly said, “Never depend on single income, make investment to create a second source”. So, to become wealthy it is important to have multiple sources of income, specifically those that are passive in nature. Having multiple passive sources income would not just help you today but also when you have low or no income (retirement phase to be precise). You can have multiple passive income sources such as dividend, interest, rental income, royalty, etc.
Use of credit
Use of credit card is not bad, but completely relying on it is. To become wealthy, it is important to use credit diligently. Use of credit in case of emergencies is fine. But if you are using it to go on a vacation then you are leveraging on your future unearned and uncertain income. This might ruin your dream of getting wealthy. So, to be wealthy use of credit should be in control. If you cannot afford something which is not your need at the moment, then rather than using credit to buy it, defer it to some future date.