12 Must Reasons to be a PAS Member
Portfolio Advisory Service or PAS is a unique product which targets maximum returns with minimum efforts. Let us tell you what makes our PAS subscription so special and in what ways do we bring value to our esteemed PAS members.
Collaborative Approach : The PAS member and DSIJ’s PAS team works collaboratively. The member receives wellresearched recommendations from the PAS team. The member is expected to follow the guidance in the same spirit, but can apply his/her thoughts on the same and act accordingly. Hence, the final result is collaborative, wherein the thoughts of the member, as well as the DSIJ team, are applied together.
Captain of the Ship : Unlike traditional Portfolio Management Services, PAS is non-discretionary in nature - thus keeping you in complete control of your stocks & money while you seek professional advice. The money and shares always stay with you. You are always in control of your wealth.
Best of investing styles and market caps : Each Portfolio is individualised and created from DSIJ’s core proprietary research cell, based on the subscriber’s risk profile, the portfolio value and existing holding. The PAS team reviews, analyses and recommends ensuring that the member’s portfolio is wellbalanced, diversified while being agile to capture high returns opportunities.
24 x 7 Tracking : We exercise due diligence in identifying not just the best time to buy a stock, but also the most appropriate time to exit from the investment. Our research team monitors all open position on a 24x7 basis and provides timely updates about results, major developments, future prospects and the correct time to exit an investment to book maximum profit from it.
Mobile Powered : The PAS App (available for both Android and iOS) is utilitarian as it not only gives members complete access to his/her portfolio but also provides real-time actionable updates on the go.
SEBI Registered : DSIJ Pvt Ltd as a company is registered under SEBI as an ‘Investment Advisor’ (Regn No. INA000001142). Beyond its own scientific processes, the company adhere strictly to the guidelines and various requirements prescribed by SEBI.
Fresh Start or Existing Portfolio : PAS allows you to start a portfolio afresh from scratch or you can continue with your existing portfolio. So shifting to PAS is very simple and non-time consuming.
Proven Track record : Finally, the entire DSIJ workforce is committed to serving customers and arming them with a 360-degree view of the markets. Our neutral stance and non-conflicting activities allow us to keep our investors stay ahead of the curve.
Best Portfolio Management Practices : Member gets the best practices applied to his/her portfolio. The Portfolio is balanced from all angles i.e. market Cap, Industry, Cash balance, Risk etc. The buying, selling happens in a staggered manner. The portfolio is continuously re-balanced through timely recommendations.
Customization : Portfolio Advisory Services strongly believes that every investor is unique - in terms of risk profile, equity investment style, return expectations from the market, holding capacity etc. And so is his portfolio - in terms of the number of stocks, relative weight-age among different stocks & sectors, time of entry & impact of volatility. Thus, PAS provides custommade advice on restructuring your existing portfolio and fresh recommendations that best suit the ‘Investor in You’.
No Lock-in Period : No investment lock-in period. As your stocks and money remain with you, you can enter and exit at your will.
Simplicity : Simple log-in procedure, up-to-date portfolio dashboard, real-time updates along with the Mobile App makes investment easy and convenient for you.
Get your PAS account today to build a portfolio that can grow multi-fold during bull rallies and also face headwinds during bear market phases.
Visit to know more: www.dsij.in/pas