10.5 Market Information
Technical analysis
It is the relative comparison of opening price, high price, low price and closing price within a day. If the closing price is greater than the opening price or the closing price and the high price are same, it is positive for the next day and vice versa. The horizontal line left to the bar on the bar chart indicates open and the horizontal line to the right indicates the closing price. The top of the bar is the highest price and the bottom is the lowest price. Higher the length of the bar, more is the price volatility of the stock.
High And Low:
New high price or the new low price is the comparison of a stock's price since its listing or life of the stock whereas a 52-week high and low is the comparison of the current stock price for the past one year from today but not a calendar year or financial year. If the fundamentals of the stock are good, the investor has to buy at new lows or a 52-week low. Same is the case if a person is holding the stock and can sell at new highs or 52-week high.
Volume bar Chart:
Volume is usually displayed as a bar graph at the bottom of the chart. Most analysts only monitor the relative level of volume and as such, a volume scale is often not displayed.