Top fund managers who cherished investors
Being a mutual fund investor, it is very important to select the perfect fund manager for the investment. The skill of fund manager to survive in various market conditions and tactics of handling the market volatility are very important for any investor as these skills only predict the potential of the mutual fund scheme to perform. Therefore, while choosing the mutual fund scheme it is very important for investors to look for a fund manager with a good track record.
Many investors are very well aware of efficient fund managers who are known through their media presence. But the comparison between their respective schemes is also necessary to know the maximum returns provided by them in the longer run.
We have analysed various mutual fund schemes under the categories of large-cap, mid-cap, multi-cap and small-cap whose net assets are more than Rs. 500 crore. Among them, we have filtered 3 schemes per category which have given highest 5-year average return within the category. We have considered only direct plans of the schemes, according to our data analysis below-mentioned fund managers have given best returns in the last 5 years.