This Smallcap speciality chemical stock announces 1:5 stock split! This Smallcap speciality chemical stock announces 1:5 stock split! The company continues to improve its working capital efficiency resulting in reduction in inventory and debtor days. Karan Dsij / Tuesday, November 1, 2022 1 4513 Article rating: 4.1 In Q2FY23, the company continues to report record quarterly sales, EBITDA and PAT. Consolidated domestic and exports sales continued its growth trend, growing by 57 per cent and 53 per cent YoY. Read more
Do you own any of the three chemical multibaggers that made fresh all-time-high on August 17? Do you own any of the three chemical multibaggers that made fresh all-time-high on August 17? Additionally included is a table outlining the spectacular returns these multi-bagger chemical stocks have generated! Mandar Wagh / Wednesday, August 17, 2022 0 7720 Article rating: 3.8 Additionally included is a table outlining the spectacular returns these multi-bagger chemical stocks have generated! Read more