Stocks under Rs 100: Trading at hefty discount to their intrinsic value with decent ROCE Stocks under Rs 100: Trading at hefty discount to their intrinsic value with decent ROCE So, here is the list of stocks which are trading at discount to their Intrinsic value and moreover, these stocks are below Rs 100 and have a decent 3 years ROCE. Karan Dsij / Friday, November 4, 2022 3 6930 Article rating: 4.1 Most of us are familiar with the names of world-famous investors like Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger and if value investing style excites you, then surely you must have come across the word ‘Intrinsic Value.’ Read more
T20 breakout stocks: Best swing trading stocks to keep an eye on! T20 breakout stocks: Best swing trading stocks to keep an eye on! Karan Dsij / Wednesday, February 9, 2022 0 4674 Article rating: 4.3 With volatility abating and across-the-board buying interest witnessed on Wednesday, we have prepared a list of stocks based on the T20 breakout system, which has the potential to outperform in the near term. Read more