How is the extension of trading hours going to affect market participants? How should a system trader align with this change? How is the extension of trading hours going to affect market participants? How should a system trader align with this change? How is the extension of trading hours going to affect market participants? Will the backtested strategies work? Karan Dsij / Saturday, February 10, 2024 2 2354 Article rating: 3.8 Now with market timing extension, they are worried that their backtest won’t be relevant anymore. Such scenarios always happen. Read more
Clear the clutter: Stocks vs real estate; where to invest? Clear the clutter: Stocks vs real estate; where to invest? Begin your new year by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages inherent in real estate and stock investing, enabling you to make informed and prudent decisions! Mandar Wagh / Tuesday, January 2, 2024 0 1983 Article rating: 4.9 Begin your new year by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages inherent in real estate and stock investing, enabling you to make informed and prudent decisions! Read more