DSIJ Mindshare

Keep an eye on this penny stock below Rs 75 on April 12 as CRISIL has reaffirmed the credit ratings assigned to the Bank facilities!

The shares of the company have an ROE of 28.4 per cent and an ROCE of 24 per cent.

Kiran Shroff 0 2875 Article rating: 3.8

The shares of the company have an ROE of 28.4 per cent and an ROCE of 24 per cent.

Price Volume Breakout : Texmaco Rail zooms nearly 4 per cent

The shares of Texmaco Rail and Engineering Ltd surged to almost 4 per cent on Thursday. The shares off Sugar, Power and Cement companies are on the rise in the afternoon session of the bourses.

Sayali Kotwal 0 684 Article rating: 4.6

The shares of Texmaco Rail and Engineering Ltd surged to almost 4 per cent on Thursday. The shares off Sugar, Power and Cement companies are on the rise in the afternoon session of the bourses.  


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