SME stock big win: Awarded Rs 14,760 lakhs in contracts, total order book jumps to Rs 29,661 lakhs SME stock big win: Awarded Rs 14,760 lakhs in contracts, total order book jumps to Rs 29,661 lakhs As if this wasn't impressive enough, these two monumental contracts have catapulted the company's order book to an astonishing Rs. 29,661 Lakhs, combining their pre-existing orders of Rs. 14,901 Lakhs with the newly acquired contracts. Karan Dsij / Saturday, October 21, 2023 0 5718 Article rating: 4.5 However, the real showstopper is the recent announcement made by the company. They've secured two contracts that are sending shockwaves throughout the industry, cumulatively valued at a staggering Rs 14,760 lakhs. Read more