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India INX successfully completes live trading session from Disaster Recovery site
Kaustubh Bhosale
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India INX successfully completes live trading session from Disaster Recovery site

India International Exchange (India INX), BSE’s international arm has successfully completed live trading session from the Disaster Recovery (DR) site, running the operations seamlessly for 22 hours for five days from 27th to 31st December, 2021. The average daily turnover during this session was 4.13 Billion USD. India INX is the first Market Infrastructure Institution (MII) in International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) to have successfully conducted the DR live session.

The live trading session from DR site has been conducted pursuant to International Financial Services Centers Authority (IFSCA) circular on June 22, 2021 clarifying “Status of transactions executed at Disaster Recovery (DR) Site of the MIIs” wherein it was mentioned that IFSCA Regulations as adopted from Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), require the Stock Exchanges to schedule live trading sessions from their Disaster Recovery (DR) sites located in a different seismic zone, from that of the data centre, for at least two consecutive days in every six months. The circular further clarified that the trades executed from the DR site (site located outside GIFT-IFSC) of the stock exchanges in GIFT-IFSC, due to the afore-mentioned regulatory requirement, shall be deemed to have been executed at GIFT-IFSC.

India INX, BSE’s international arm, commenced its trading activities on January 16, 2017, and is India’s first International Exchange set up at GIFT IFSC. It is one of the world’s most advanced technology platforms with a response time of 4 microseconds and allows trading for 22 hours a day, in a range of financial market products such as index and single stock derivatives, commodity derivatives, currency derivatives, and debt securities, to allow international investors to trade from anywhere across the globe. The

Exchange provides a state-of-the-art electronic platform to facilitate trading, clearing, and settlement of the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes, including securities, equity derivatives, precious metals, base metals, energy, and bonds. The average daily turnover at the exchange for the quarter ended December 2021 is USD 4.76 Bn. with around 91 % market share among the exchanges at IFSC. India INX all-time high turnover is USD 30.3 Bn. on March 10, 2021. The Exchange also has a tier-III equivalent data center colocation facility for its Members. India INX introduced the Global Securities Market (GSM) platform, which is a pioneering concept in India, offering issuers an efficient and transparent method to raise capital. The platform offers a debt listing framework at par with other global listing venues such as London, Luxembourg, Singapore, etc. The Exchange provides a competitive advantage in terms of tax structure and supportive regulatory framework that is comparable with any other global financial center. These include waiver of several taxes like securities transaction tax, commodities transaction tax, dividend distribution tax, capital gains tax, GST etc. Further, as an entity set up at IFSC, additional tax waivers are applicable viz. graded income tax holiday for ten years out of fifteen years, one-time subsidy on IT capex spend, no stamp duty etc.

INX achieved USD4.46 Trillion total turnover and USD 30.30Bn highest daily trading turnover. USD 58.6+ Bn of MTN established and USD 33.4+Bn of listed bonds.

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