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Don’t Allow Your Investments To Go Off Track

Hemant Rustagi Chief Executive Officer, Wiseinvest Pvt Ltd.

R@hul Potu 0 60 Article rating: 2.5

One of the challenges for investors is to keep their portfolios on track through their defined time horizon. The current market situation with heightened volatility can test the patience and perseverance of investors. However, history tells us that investors who stay invested during turbulent times in the market get their due in the long run.

How Well-Balanced is Your Investment?

R@hul Potu 0 76 Article rating: 5.0

Equity, as an asset class, has an important role in the wealth creation process of investors. However, considering that the stock market tends to be volatile from time to time, investors must have the patience to not only stay invested during these turbulent times but also continue investing to benefit from averaging. It is equally important to build a well-diversified portfolio to minimise the risk. However, investors often get tempted to invest aggressively into funds that either have a narrow investment universe or a concentrated portfolio. 


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