DSIJ Mindshare


How does one define wealth? One common definition is that wealth is the accumulation of resources, the value of all assets. Yet there are different types of assets and assets or resources mean different things to different people at different times. There are natural assets, human assets, and physical assets. For individuals, net worth is the most common measure of wealth whereas for nations it could be described as the GDP per capita. While land, forests, fossil fuels, minerals, etc. can be described as the natural wealth of a nation, human wealth can be expressed as the demographics of the population, their education, and skills. Similarly, physical wealth of a nation or an organisation can be measured as the sum total of machinery, buildings, and infrastructure of that entity.

Biblical principles express wealth as the knowledge of the times. Hosea 4:6 and our own philosophy states that “family wealth lies in its human and intellectual capital.” Clearly then the meaning of wealth is context-dependent. We have read about Alibaba and the 40 thieves and how they found a treasure trove in the hidden caves - chests brimming with jewels, gold, gems, rubies, and other precious stones. That was wealth indeed! But that was then. Today’s Alibaba probably will count his wealth in terms of the equity he holds in Alibaba.com!

Clearly then the meaning of wealth is changing. Even in our own context the meaning and measure of wealth is changing. Till recently it was the national treasury that held the country’s wealth, but today, as many echoing the sentiments of the prime minister will say, it is the ‘Make in India’ capability or the manufacturing strength and infrastructural capability which can be counted as the country’s strength! There is no doubt that the prime minister is right, for manufacturing remains critically important especially to a developing country. It continues to provide a pathway from subsistence agriculture to rising incomes and living standards.

McKinsey Global Institute, one of the world’s foremost thinkers of the future, has published a succinct report titled, ‘Manufacturing the Future: The Next Era of Global Growth and Innovation’ that presents a clear view of how manufacturing contributes to the global economy today and how it will probably evolve over the coming decade.

In this year’s anniversary issue we therefore profile the top 150 companies that are leading the charge in the ‘Make in India’ mission - industries that depend heavily on global innovation for local markets and companies that are highly R&D-intensive. These also require close proximity to markets and possess expertise in data analytics and product design. They are companies that recognise that technology will be the right growth driver and therefore maintain a steadfast focus on their human resources, ensuring that they have qualified, computer-savvy factory workers and agile managers for complex global supply chains. These companies represent the new meaning of wealth in India.

There certainly is no randomness in the selection of India’s top 150 companies which have created wealth not just for their shareholders but also for the nation. What has been applied here is a professional approach and method as explained below


This year’s list marks Dalal Street Investment Journal’s third year of ranking of India Inc. and presenting the DSIJ 150. Ranking provides a universally accepted benchmark of performance with an objective analysis. What is also important is that with time, experience, and changing conditions, the way one ranks should also undergo modification. The last three years have made us a little wiser and we have tweaked the methodology to make it more robust, as will be explained in the following paragraphs. The study has culminated in the selection of the top 150 corporates of India Inc. and is a result of a meticulously laid-out process. What follows is a detailed description of the various steps that have been followed in order to arrive at this most coveted list of toppers.

For the purpose of this study we began with all the listed companies of India. Since our objective was to focus on companies which have been super achievers, a ‘short period’ study would not have been justified. Therefore, we spread our study period to over the past six years; we then narrowed down the list to include only those companies which have been listed for more than six years.


A long-term study of six years tends to even out any aberration in the results of any particular year and helps in providing a fair idea of the long-term performance. For example FY09 saw many companies reporting deceleration in their performance due to overall financial crisis that ultimately led to an economic crisis. Nonetheless, FY10 saw good recovery on the back of stimulus provided by the government. Therefore, a long-term study weeds out such ups and downs which are a natural part of any business.

Another reason why a six-year period or long-term study makes more sense is that many infrastructure companies such as power and road construction, and even the strategies of the service sector and manufacturing companies, get executed over a longer period before they begin to reflect on the financials of the company. You may ask why we have chosen a period of 6.5 years. This has been done to include the latest six months’ results in our study. We started our study from the month of January 2015 and hence could not take nine months’ data since many companies are yet to come out with their December quarter data.



We have deliberately left out certain categories and companies from our study. These include:

• Banking and Non-Banking Finance Companies: The reason for excluding banking and NBFCs from our study is due to the difference in the nature of their business and the way they should be evaluated. Moreover, we will come out with a special issue on banking in the month of June or July wherein these companies will be comprehensively ranked.

• Restructured Enterprises: We have also left aside those companies which are a part of the groups that have gone through any major restructuring exercises over the period of our study. This was done in order to avoid any anomalies that would have cropped up owing to such restructuring initiatives, whether on the capital or any other front. One of such companies that we excluded this time was Sesa Sterlite that came into existence aft er the merger of Sesa Goa and Sterlite Industries.



Broadly speaking we have sought to analyse and rank companies based on the following parameters:

• Growth

• Efficiency

• Safety

• Wealth creation

Growth: The most important criterion for determining a company’s success is, naturally, the growth that it achieves over a period of time and also its capacity for growth in the future. Growth for a company can be defined in many ways. It could include anything and everything that goes to define a corporation as a whole. The most critical among these are the topline as defined by the sales or revenues of the company. The next growth factor is the operating profit which defines the operational performance of the company. Then comes the net profit which defines the eventual benefit to stakeholders either to be used this year in the form of dividend or can be invested to reap its benefit in the coming years. The capital employed by a company is an important ingredient that helps it grow. Of the above, three reflect the profit and loss (P&L) side and one captures the balance-sheet character. In other words, the P&L pointers capture the financial health of the company at three different levels, while the capital employed reflects the correct picture of growth in the balance-sheet.

Efficiency: It is not only the growth that matters but also how effectively and efficiently this is achieved. In fact the more efficiently an organisation uses its resources, the higher the value that it creates for its stakeholders. Having said that, we have measured efficiency based on the following factors:

• Operating profit margins (OPM)

• Net profit margins (NPM)

• Return on capital employed (RoCE)

The OPM and the NPM together capture the efficiency of a company at the operating and the net levels respectively. The RoCE, on the other hand, indicates how good a company is in utilising its funds.


Safety: Debt for a company is like a double-edged sword; if raised and utilised in an efficient manner it can increase the shareholders’ return or else can turn into a burden. Our recent experience shows that debt has become a big pain for many companies with the interest rate remaining high for a long period. Therefore we have used the debt-to-equity ratio to measure the safety of a company’s shareholders. It actually reflects on how much of your money in terms of shareholder equity could come back to you in case of an eventuality after paying out the entire debt on the balance-sheet.

Wealth Creation: Th e ultimate objective of any organisation is maximising the shareholder’s return. Obviously then this had to be one of the criteria for our study. In order to evaluate companies on this front, we have looked at the movement in share prices between FY09 to H1 FY15 (our core study period) aft er adjusting for splits and bonuses. The impact that this has had on market capitalisation is what has determined wealth creation by these companies for their shareholders.



After having laid out the data according to the various parameters as discussed above, we then embarked on the final step of ranking these companies. Although all the parameters described above play an important role for a company to excel, they diff er by way of the importance of the quantum. We have carefully measured this requirement and accordingly assigned weights to each of the parameters. Even within that, companies in different stages of their evolution have been assigned weights according to the requirement.

This led us to the creation of two broad categories. One, where we considered companies with a market capitalisation in excess of Rs 10,000 crore and second, where we considered companies with a market capitalisation of less than Rs 10,000 crore but exceeding Rs 1,000 crore. For this classification, we have taken the market capitalisation of companies as on January 31, 2015.

The table above are self-explanatory for the weightage that we have assigned to arrive at our final list and the rankings done thereafter. Accordingly, a higher weight has been assigned to the growth factor in case of companies with a market capitalisation of more than Rs 10,000 crore, the reason being that these companies are far ahead on the safety curve. They have been in the business for a greater duration and have achieved critical mass by now. What is important in their case is the growth factor which will propel them into the next orbit. Safety and efficiency have been assigned an equal weightage for the same reasons as mentioned above. On the other hand, growth and safety have been weighted at an equal level in case of companies with a market-cap of less than Rs 10,000 crore but over Rs 1,000 crore. Shareholder returns carry the same weightage in both the categories.

Based on all these factors, a final composite ranking of companies in both the categories was arrived at. This gave us a list of the top 50 companies in the first category (market capitalisation in excess of Rs 10,000 crore), which is our ‘Super 50’ club. The top 100 companies in the second category make up our ‘Elite 100’ group.

As mentioned at the outset of this exercise, it has been our perpetual endeavour to research and provide the best of the best to our readers and patrons. We at DSIJ are committed to continue improving upon our methodology and research metrics to further strengthen the quality of the results. In the pages that follow we bring to you the DSIJ list of ‘Super 50’ and ‘Elite 100’ companies. We hope this compilation helps you put a finger on the truly ‘valuable’ shining stars of India Inc. Although these companies have performed superbly over the last six years and rightly deserve a place in DSIJ 150, these are not our recommendation. Nonetheless, these companies can be looked at for investment aft er applying your own judgement.


Super 50 in numbers, is showing the performance of our earlier list and how the sectors and houses are dominating the list. This is clearly reflecting where the new wealth is being created.

Super 50

Tata Consultancy Services

TCS | Rank: 1 | CMP: Rs 162 | BSE CODE:532540

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 81809.36 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 26789.53 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 19163.87 |ROCE(%): 51.44 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), an Indian MNC - IT service, consulting and business solutions company has headquarter in Mumbai. TCS was founded in 1968 by a division of Tata Sons. In 1979, TCS delivered an electronic depository and trading system called SECOM for the Swiss company SIS SegaInterSettle. In 1981, TCS established India’s first dedicated soft ware research and development centre, the Tata Research Development and Design Centre in Pune. Despite having the largest revenue base and headcount, TCS delivered the highest growth in revenue (16.2 per cent in USD) for FY14.

GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

GSKCONS | Rank: 2 | CMP: Rs 6035 | BSE CODE:500676

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr):4868.57 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1079.67 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 674.75 | ROCE(%): 56.1 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

GlaxoSmithKline company (GSK) is a British multinational pharmaceutical. It was established in the year 1924 in India. The GSK India product portfolio includes prescription medicines and vaccines. The medicines range across therapeutic areas such as anti-infectives, dermatology, gynecology, diabetes, oncology, cardiovascular disease and respiratory diseases. The company is the market leader in most of the the rapeutic. GSK also offers a range of vaccines, for the prevention of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, invasive disease caused by H, influenzae, chickenpox, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, rotavirus, cervical cancer, streptococcus pneumonia and others.

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

SUNPHARMA| Rank: 3  | CMP: Rs 1012  | BSE CODE: 524715

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr):16080.36 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 7553.92 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 3141.47  | ROCE(%): 33.99 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Founded by Dilip Shanghvi, in 1983, it has a revenue of `160.80 billion at the end of FY14. Cardiology products were introduced in 1987 and gastroenterology products in 1989. Acquisition of Ranbaxy has made it the largest pharmacy company in India. In 1996, Sun purchased a bulk drug manufacturing plant at Ahmednagar from Knoll Pharmaceuticals. In 2007, Sun Pharma demerged its innovative R&D arm, and listed it separately on the stock market as the Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company. The market size of the global pharmaceutical industry is estimated to reach USD 1.2 trillion by 2017 growing at a CAGR of 3 - 6 per cent per year.


Page Industries

PAGEIND | Rank: 4 | CMP: Rs 13443 | BSE CODE: 532827

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1187.6 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 257.76  | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 153.78 | ROCE(%): 56.54 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.12

Page industries also known as jockey India is a public enterprise which is the license of jockey underwear and speedo in India and Srilanka. In 2014 the companyÕs market capitalisation was worth Rs 87,225 million (USD1.366 billion). The company registered a growth of 39.9 per cent year on year to 303 crores during the 3rd quarter of FY 2014- 2015 which is a 9.8 per cent hike than expected. Th e companyÕs CAGR of operating profit and net profit has increased to 37 per cent each for the last five years. Now the share value of the company rose by 100 per cent since February 2014.


HCLTECH | Rank: 5 | CMP: Rs 2012 | BSE CODE: 532281

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 32143.66 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 8712.69 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 6509.51 | ROCE (%): 40.24 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.01

HCL Technologies, is an Indian global IT services company providing services like soft ware consulting, enterprise transformation, remote infrastructure management, engineering R&D services and BPO. It is founded in 1976 by Shiv Nadar, headquartered in Noida, incorporated in the year 1991. HCL developed IndiaÕs fi rst indigenous micro-computer and started to mark its advent into the soft ware services arena. The CAGR is increased by 169 per cent to 15753.26 crores as against 5859.15 crores in the past 4 years. The company made its presence in 31 countries which strengthen its operations globally.


Lupin Ltd.

Lupin | Rank: 6 | CMP: Rs 1878 | BSE CODE: 500257

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 11286.57 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 3119.27  | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 1836.37  | ROCE(%): 38.18 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.02

Lupin which is headquartered in Mumbai, is the 7th largest pharmaceutical company by market capitalisation and 14th largest generic pharmaceutical company globally. Lupin’s net sales grew by 14 per cent during Q3 FY 2014-2015 compared to the same quarter previous year. The company’s operating profit and net profit grew at a CAGR of 32 per cent and 30 per cent respectively for last five years ending FY14. The company has given good returns for its shareholders. The share price of the company has gone up by 81 per cent since March 2014 alone and 52 per cent annually between FY09-14.

Tech Mahindra

TECHM | Rank: 7 | CMP: Rs 2819  | BSE CODE: 532755

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 18831.4 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 4296.8 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 3028.8 | ROCE(%): 36.06 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Tech Mahindra is a specialist in digital transformation, business re-engineering, multinational provider of IT solutions and business support services. It is a part of the Mahindra Group conglomerate. It was founded in 1986 by Anand Mahindra, and is headquartered at Pune. Present in 51 countries and assessed at SEI-CMMi Level 5.It merged with Mahindra Satyam on 2012. Company recently acquired SOFGEN Holdings, which off er a unique services to Retail and Private Banking and Wealth Management customers. Company’s revenue and net profit has grown at a CAGR of 33 per cent and 24 per cent for the five year ending FY14.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

BAJAJ-AUTO  | Rank: 8 | CMP: Rs 2023 | BSE CODE: 532977

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 20158.29 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 4837.01 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 3380.28 | ROCE(%): 45.53 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.01

Bajaj Auto is world’s fourth largest two and three wheeler manufacturer. Company has technical tie up with Kawasaki Heavy Industries of Japan to manufacture latest models in the two wheeler space. The company is the largest export of two and three wheelers in the country with export forming 18 per cent of its total sales for FY14. In 2010, Bajaj Auto announced cooperation with Renault and Nissan Motor to develop USD 2,500 car. In FY14, when the overall motorcycle sales grew almost four per cent, volumes of Bajaj Auto declined almost 15 per cent, while its market share came down to 20 per cent from 24 per cent in FY13.


Bayer Cropscience Ltd.

BAYERCROP | Rank: 9 | CMP: Rs 3361  | BSE CODE: 506285

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3245.2 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 510.2 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 289.5 | ROCE(%): 25.57 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Bayer corporation science is a German chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in 1863. Bayer’s first major product was acetylsalicylic acid, a modification of salicylic acid or salicin. Bayer crop science is in the pesticides & Agro Chemicals sectors. Th e current market capitalisation stands at Rs 12,698 crore. The company has reported standalone sales of Rs 687 crore and a net profit of  Rs 55 crore for the quarter ended 2014. The company’s revenue from operation has increased by 19 per cent, from Rs 27,253 million in 2012-13 to Rs 32,452 million.

Hindustan Zinc Ltd.

HINDZINC  | Rank: 10 | CMP: Rs 169 | BSE CODE: 500188

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 13636.04 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 8860.91 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 6904.62 | ROCE(%): 21.58 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Hindustan Zinc (HZL) is an integrated mining and resources producer of zinc, lead, silver and cadmium. HZL is also the world’s lowest cost zinc producer. The company in last five year ending FY14 has grown at a CAGR of 19 per cent in operating income and around 20 per cent growth in their net profits. The current Market capitalisation (March 11, 2015) of HZL is Rs 77330 crores. HZL is highly appreciated for using environment friendly power generation which includes wind energy and heat generation from waste.

Titan Company Ltd.

TITAN  | Rank: 11 | CMP: Rs 400 | BSE CODE: 500114

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 10927.39 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1164.55 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 734.94 | ROCE(%): 32.94 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Titan part of Tata Group and is Indian designer and manufacture of watches, jewellers, precision engineering components and other accessories including sunglasses, wallets, bags, belts, fragrances and helmets. Titan’s key Product/Revenue segments include jewellery which contributed Rs 8525 crore to sales value (77 per cent of total sales), Watches which contributed Rs 1611 crore to sales value (14 per cent of total sales), while others contributed Rs 491.99 crore to sales value (4 per cent of total sales). They export watch to about 32 countries around the world. Titan manufactures precious jewellery under the Tanishq brand name. Titan has 60-65 per cent market share in wrist watch segment.


Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

TORNTPHARM | Rank: 12 | CMP: Rs 1092 | BSE CODE: 500420

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 4184.72 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 989.61 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 663.88  | ROCE(%): 31.58 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.39

Torrent pharmaceuticals was set up as a partnership firm in 1985 with a plant in Dera Bassi (Punjab). It manufactures formulations in the form of liquid, ointments, injections, eye drops, tablets, capsules. It has performed exceeding well in the last two years which can be attested by the fact that company has seen a growth of around 12.7 per cent and 13.8 per cent in their profits aft er tax over the last two years. Torrent will continue to benefit over the medium term, from its established position in the pharmaceuticals industry supported by wide product portfolio and geographically diversified revenue profile.

Eicher Motors

EICHERMOT | Rank: 13 | CMP: Rs 15879 | BSE CODE: 505200

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 8598.7 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1002.4 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 701.74 | ROCE(%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Eicher Motors (EML) incorporated in 1982, is an Indian automaker company based in Gurgaon, India. Eicher Motors also owns the iconic Royal Enfield motorcycle business, which leads the premium motorcycle segment in India. Eicher Motors current market capitalisation (March 11,2015) is Rs 42847 crores. EML is performing exceeding well in last five year ending FY14. Its sales and profit in the same period has grown at CAGR of 23.76 per cent and 53.11 per cent respectively. Th e strong market position of the company in the niche segment of leisure bikes has helped the company record a robust volume growth over the past few years.

Procter & Gamble Hygiene & Healthcare

PGHH | Rank: 14 | CMP: Rs 7166 | BSE CODE: 500459

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2050.94 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 500.89 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 302.02 | ROCE(%): 46.43 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

P&G India is one of the largest and fastest growing consumer goods companies in India. It serves over 650 million consumers across India. It mainly focuses on beauty and grooming segment, household segment, health and well being segmented. The current market capitalisation of the P&G stands at Rs 22855.4 crore. P&G helps establish safety standards that are among the highest in the world. Company’s strong performance continued in the financial year 2013 (Financial year is calendar year). The company achieved a strong double-digit sales growth during the financial year 2013.


Cairn India

CAIRN | Rank: 15 | CMP: Rs 226 | BSE CODE: 532792

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 18761.7 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 15188.43 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 12431.79 | ROCE(%): 22.44 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Cairn India part of the Vedanta Group is one of the largest oil and gas production company of India. Its headquarter is situated in Bangalore. Cairn India has a portfolio of nine blocks. Cairn India produces 28 per cent of India’s domestic crude oil production. It is a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources. Cairn India has opened 36 plants in Rajasthan. Cairn India has a market capitalisation of USD 10 million. Cairn India was rated as the fastest growing energy company in the world. For the five year ending FY14 company’s operating income and net profit has grown at a CAGR of 68.78 per cent and 72.95 per cent respectively.


INFY | Rank: 16 | CMP: Rs 2216  | BSE CODE: 500209

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 50133 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 16045 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 10656 | ROCE(%): 33.07 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

In 1981, seven engineers started Infosys Limited with just US$250 and now Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing and next-generation services. Company is India’s sixth largest publicly traded company. Infosys is represented in over 100 cities. We have 73 sales offices and 93 development centers in the US, India, China, Australia, Japan, Middle East, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Poland, Canada, and other countries. Infosys has a total of 160,405 employees as of 31 March 2014, of which 34.7 per cent were women. Its workforce consists of employees representing 89 nationalities working from 32 countries.


ITC | Rank: 17 | CMP: Rs 339  | BSE CODE: 500875

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 35317.08 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 14022.84 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 8891.38  | ROCE(%): 47.54 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

ITC is one of India’s foremost multi-business ( FMCG, Hotels, Paperboarding, packaging etc.) inenterprise with a market capitalisation of USD 45 billion and a turnover of USD 7 billion and net income INR 8,990.62 crore in 2013-2014 while its annual turnover is USD 8.31 billion. ITC is rated among the World’s Best Big Companies. Over the years, ITC has evolved from a single product company to a multi-business corporation which reflects a good business scope. Its businesses are spread over a wide spectrum. Its equity shares are listed on BSE, NSE and CSE.



MindTree | Rank: 18 | CMP: Rs 7166 | BSE CODE: 532819

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3031.6 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 659.6 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 450.8  | ROCE(%): 35.21 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Mindtree is a fast growing technology company with more than 200 clients and offices spread in 14 countries. It delivers technology services and accelerates growth for global 1000 companies by solving complex business challenges with breakthrough technical innovations. Mindtree was incorporated in the year 1999. The company has it’s headquarter in Bangalore. It deals in e-commerce, mobility, cloud, data analytic among others. Mindtree delivers travel and hospitality services like airline management, car rental system, hospitality industry, IT solutions, travel and distribution solutions.

Asian Paints

ASIANPAINT | Rank: 19 | CMP: Rs 808  | BSE CODE: 500820

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 12714.81 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 2132.11  | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 1218.81 | ROCE(%): 44.08 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.01

Asian Paints manufactures and sells a range of paints for decorative and industrial use in Asia. It’s India’s largest paint company with a turnover of Rs 127.15 billion. Asian Paints operates in 17 countries and has 23 paint manufacturing facilities in the world, servicing consumer. Asian Paints has shown very strong financial performance in the last five years. The company’s return on net worth and return on capital employed have both increased substantially over the years because of better control on raw material costs and reduction in financial expenses. Its gross sales have witnessed a CAGR of 17 per cent during the period 2010 to 2014.

Amara Raja Batteries

AMARAJABAT | Rank: 20 | CMP: Rs 859 | BSE CODE: 500008

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3436.66 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 605.84 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 367.44 | ROCE(%): 37.4 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.06

Amara Raja Batteries (ARBL) is engaged in manufacturing of batteries for the telecom, UPS, railways, solar and power utility sectors The company has partnered with Johnson Controls Inc. for Automotive Systems and Power Solutions. ARBL has pioneered the VRLA technology in Batteries and has created a unique benchmark in Automotive and Industrial Battery market with the “Amaron” Brand. The company was incorporated in 1985 and is based in Tirupati. The financial year 2013-14 was significant year in which company continued its record of clocking highest ever turnover and profit.


Godrej Consumer Products

GODREJCP | Rank: 21 | CMP: Rs 1124 | BSE CODE: 532424

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 7602.41 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1213.02  | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 759.73 | ROCE(%):20.65 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.42

Godrej Consumer Products is consumer products company engaged in the manufacture and distribution of household and personal care products. Company is a subsidiary of Indian based consumer company Godrej Group, which was incorporated in 1897 by Ardeshir Godrej and Pirojsha Godrej. The company holds manufacturing and distribution of diversified consumer products holding from household, personal care, Insecticides etc. They were among the first in India to implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The company is spread over seven locations in India, grouped into four operating clusters.


EMAMI | Rank:22  | CMP: Rs 1074  | BSE CODE: 531162

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1820.77 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 503.48 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 402.47 | ROCE(%): 42.7 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.02

Established in 1974, Emami has a portfolio of over 260 products based on ayurvedic formulations. Company’s current operations comprise more than 63 countries including GCC, Europe, Africa, CIS countries and the SAARC. Over 100 Emami products are sold every second somewhere around the world. Emami, the flagship company of the Group, recorded a turnover of  Rs 1821 crore, 2013-14. Company employs 2600 people, reach out to 40 lakh retails outlets through a network of 3000 distributors and have invested in seven plants, four regional offices, 1 overseas unit, five overseas subsidiaries and 32 distribution centres across India.

UltraTech Cement

ULTRACEMCO | Rank: 23 | CMP: Rs 2944 | BSE CODE: 532538

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 21652.2 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 4357.55 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 2206.03 | ROCE(%): 13.3 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.35

Ultra tech cement was founded in 1983. The company is part of Aditya Birla group and division of Grasim industries. It has an annual capacity of 62 million tons. It has been awarded as the super brand status. It mainly manufacturers grey cement, ready mix concrete and white cement in India. It is the largest producer of white cement in India. Revenue during the year grew by 20 per cent to Rs 5429 crore in 2013-14 as compared to Rs 4523 crore in 2012-13. They are going to be associated with some of India’s largest infrastructural projects as suppliers of high quality cement, concrete and allied product.


Divi’s Laboratories

DIVISLAB | Rank: 24 | CMP: Rs 1774  | BSE CODE: 532488

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2532.14 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1085.09 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 773.34 | ROCE(%): 33.3 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Divis laboratories is an active pharmaceutical ingredient and intermediates manufacturing company. The company has four R&D centres, two pilot plants and two manufacturing units across the world. It has its presence in New Jersey and Switzerland. The company manufactures Active pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and intermediates for generics, custom synthesis of API’s and advanced intermediates, etc. Divi’s also undertakes FTE/ Contract Research on process development for discovering new compounds for MNCs across the world and partners with them for the supply of APIs.

Aurobindo Pharma

AUROPHARMA | Rank: 25  | CMP: Rs 1147 | BSE CODE: 524804

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 8099.79 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 2155.21 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 1172.85 | ROCE(%): 24.95 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.34

Aurobindo Pharma manufactures generic pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. The company’s area of activity includes six major therapeutic/product areas: antibiotics, anti-retrovirals, cardiovascular products, central nervous system products, gastroenterologicals, and anti-allergics It aims to achieve USD 2 billion revenues by 2015-16. Aurobindo exports its product to over 125 countries across the globe with more than 70 per cent of its revenues derived from international operations. Its vision is to become Asia’s leading generic pharma company and one among the top 15 in the world, by 2015.

Dabur India

DABUR | Rank: 26 | CMP: Rs 272 | BSE CODE: 500096

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 7094.43 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1287.89 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 913.92 | ROCE(%): 35.38 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.1

Dabur India is the largest Ayurvedic medicine and related products manufacturer and is the fourth largest FMCG Company in India. Building on a legacy of quality of over 130 years, Dabur operates in key FMCG products categories like Hair oil, oral care, health care, home care, skin care and foods. It has almost 18 subsidiaries across the world. The company has its presence in Nepal, Egypt, Pakistan and other six countries across the world. The company’s market capitalisation is Rs 31,310 crores as on March 11, 2013. In last five years company recorded CAGR of 18 per cent and 21 percent in its net profit and operating profit respectively.



CRISIL | Rank: 27 | CMP: Rs 2040 | BSE CODE: 500092

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1253.38 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 376.06 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 268.44  | ROCE(%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

CRISIL was founded in 1987 as a credit rating information service of India. It is a global analytic company providing ratings, research, and policy advisory services. CRISIL’s majority shareholder is Standard and Poor’s (S&P). Standard & Poor’s, a part of McGraw Hill Financial is the world’s foremost provider of credit ratings. The current market capitalization stands at Rs 15058.12 crores. The company has reported consolidated revenue of 326.33 crores and a net profit of 70.79 crores for the quarter ended Dec 2014. Their customer range is from small enterprises to the largest corporations and financial institutions. They also work with the government and policy makers in India.

Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone

ADANIPORTS | Rank: 28 | CMP: Rs 307 | BSE CODE: 532921

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 4823.99 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 3603.98 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 1739.64 | ROCE(%): 14.43 | Debt/Equity (x): 1.29

Adani ports and Special economic zone (APSEZ) is a part of infrastructure conglomerate Adani group. It is India’s largest multi-port operator and private sector port operator with presence across eight Indian ports and four international ports. APSEZ has inland connectivity via rail track, road, cross-country pipeline and has air connectivity through Mundra airport. Adani has also obtained approvals from Government of India for setting up another multi-product SEZ and Free Trade Warehousing Zones in Mundra. The company’s aim is to increase annual cargo handling capacity from 112.8 million MT in 2014 to 200 million MT by 2020.

Oracle Financial Services Software

OFSS | Rank: 29 | CMP: Rs 3283 | BSE CODE: 532466

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3741.32  | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 2073.03 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 1359.32 | ROCE(%): 22.8 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Oracle Financial services soft ware is a subsidiary company of Oracle corporation .It provides IT support services to finance industries across the world. Oracle’s focus on enabling financial institutions helped it to achieve operational efficiency and it also excelled in their business through differentiated products and services. Oracle Financial services software has two main streams of business, the product division and the prime sourcing division which offer various services. The company’s last five years CAGR of net profit and operating profit is 13 per cent and 22 per cent respectively.


Colgate-Palmolive (India)

COLPAL | Rank: 30 | CMP: Rs 2068 | BSE CODE: 500830

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3578.81 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 714.33 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 539.87  | ROCE(%): 110.61 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Colgate-Palmolive (India), part of US based multinational FMCG Company. Colgate- Palmolive (India) Limited is engaged in oral care and personal care business. The Company’s oral care products include toothpastes, toothbrushes, toothpowder, whitening products and mouthwash. The Company’s personal care product includes body wash, liquid hand wash, shave preps, skin care and hair care. For the period between FY09-14 company’s operating profit and net profit has increased by a CAGR of 16 per cent and 13 per cent respectively.

Motherson Sumi Systems

MOTHERSUMI | Rank: 31 | CMP: Rs 496  | BSE CODE: 517334

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 30427.9 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 2707.7 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 765 | ROCE(%): 27.18 | Debt/Equity (x): 1.01

Motherson Sumi Systems (MSSL) is the flagship company of the Samvardhana Motherson Group and was established in 1986. The acquisition of mirror business from Visiocorp (now renamed as Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec) and Peguform (now named Samvardhana Motherson Peguform) has helped MSSL evolve as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of automotive rear view mirrors and a leading manufacturers of instrument panels, bumpers and door trims in Europe. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of automotive wiring harnesses and mirrors for passenger cars in India. It is also a leading supplier of plastic components and modules to the automotive industry.


AIA Engineering

AIAENG | Rank: 32  | CMP: Rs 1255 | BSE CODE: 532683

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2080.08 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 535.56 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 324.97 | ROCE(%): 27.19 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.05

AIA Engineering, incorporated as Magotteaux (India) in 1991 was a joint venture enterprise with Magotteaux International Belgium. The company is engaged in business of designing, developing, manufacturing, installing and servicing of high chromium wear, corrosion and abrasion resistant parts. Recently AIA Engineering tied up with Steelcast for increasing their manufacturing power. The company’s future plan includes setting up a chrome mill internals unit with the capacity of 1,00,000 TPA prior to their 115,000 MT capacity which produces 100 diaphragms per annum.


NMDC | Rank: 33 | CMP: Rs 131 | BSE CODE: 526371

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 12058.2 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 9860.98 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 6370.98 | ROCE(%): 32.42 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

NMDC (National Mineral Development Corporation) established in 1958 as a public enterprise is majorly owned by Government of India and controlled by Ministry of Steel. NMDC is India’s largest producer of iron ore and produces about 30 million tonnes of iron ore from three fully mechanised mines in Chhattisgarh and Karnataka, it also produces copper, rock phosphate, lime stone, dolomite, gypsum, diamond, tin, tungsten, graphite, beach sands etc. It also operates the only mechanised diamond mine in the country at Panna in Madhya Pradesh. NMDC is also setting up a three MTPA capacity greenfield Integrated Steel Plant in Nagarnar, located 16 km from Jagdalpur, with an estimated outlay of Rs 18,000 crore.


MRF | Rank: 34 | CMP: Rs 40296 | BSE CODE: 500290

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 13329.29 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 2008.67 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 908.32 | ROCE(%): 24.93 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.26

MRF. is India’s Market Leader in Automotive Tires in India for over two decades & is the only Indian Tyre Company ranked amongst the Top 16 Global Tyre Companies, with a turnover of over Rs 14000 Crores ( USD 2.5 Billion Dollars). MRF manufactures a wide range of tires from its 9 Manufacturing Plants & is represented across India by a wide network of Dealers and Service Offices. Internationally MRF exports to over 80 countries and has Offices in key markets. MRF makes a wide range of tires for an extensive range of applications - from tires for the Aircraft Sector to speciality tires for Mass Transportation Projects like the recently introduced Mumbai Mono Rail.

Nestle India

NESTLEIND| Rank: 35 | CMP: Rs 7287 | BSE CODE: 500790

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 9101 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 2030 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 1117.3 | ROCE(%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Nestle is one of the oldest company in India with its presence for almost nine decades. Company is the prominent manufacturer of FMCG products under various brand names such as Nestle Milkmaid, Nestle Everyday, Maggi Noodles, Maggi Soups, Polo, Kit Kat, Nescafe and many more. Under its CSR activity Nestle India has recently signed an agreement with Magic Bus India foundation on December 14 to promote healthy eating habit amongst children in government schools and also to raise awareness for good nutritional practices that should be followed by children’s. Nestlé India is a subsidiary of Nestlé S.A. of Switzerland.


Berger Paints (India)

BERGEPAINT | Rank: 36 | CMP: Rs 210 | BSE CODE: 509480

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3869.72 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 467.32 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 249.39 | ROCE(%): 24.05 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.13

Berger paints started their operation in India in 1923 and is ranked as one among the largest paint company in the country with a consistent track record of being one of the fastest growing paint companies, for the past few years. Berger Paints India has reported a consolidated total income from operations of Rs 1,117.10 crore and a net profit of Rs 82.13 crore for the quarter ended Dec ‘14. The company’s CAGR is 28 percent in operating profit, 25 per cent in net profit and price is appreciated 54 per cent in last five years.

Apollo Hospitals Enterprise

APOLLOHOSP | Rank:37 | CMP: Rs 1378 | BSE CODE: 508869

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 4117.12 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 693.88 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 316.74 | ROCE(%): 12.59 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.39

Apollo Hospitals, started in 1983 with the mission to bring healthcare of international standards within the reach of every individual. It has 41 hospitals across India and presence in nursing and hospital management colleges, pharmacies, diagnostic clinics, medical transcription services, third-party administration and telemedicine. Little over three decades it has shown healthy growth in its sector and it is reflected in its revenue which is 4117 at the end of March 2014 and about 25 per cent CAGR in its net profit over past 5 years. The stock price in 2010 was around Rs 336 and now it is trading around Rs 1400 showing an increase of 400 per cent in just five years.

Pidilite Industries

PIDILITIND | Rank: 38 | CMP: Rs 596 | BSE CODE: 500331

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 4283.2 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 716.32 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 449.81 | ROCE(%): 31.78 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Pidilite Industries which was started in 1959 is the largest adhesive manufacturer in India, with the iconic brands like Fevicol, Fevi Kwik, Dr. Fixit. Company has its presence in over 12 countries. With the innovation and strategic acquisition it has been market leader in polymer emulsion, construction chemicals and sealants in India. It has revenues of Rs 4283 crore for FY14 and has grown its net profit about 32 per cent over five years. Over last five years it has increased its exports significantly and expanded its distribution network by establishing offices in Singapore, USA, UK, UAE and Saudi Arabia.


Cadila Healthcare

CADILAHC | Rank:39 | CMP: Rs 1582 | BSE CODE: 532321

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 7224 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1250.8 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 803.6 | ROCE(%): 18.4 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.4

Cadila healthcare started in 1995, is India’s one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, with the headquarters at Ahmedabad in Gujarat state. The company is present in more than forty-five therapeutic areas spread across twelve specialities and exports its pharmaceutical products to over eighty five countries. The company has recorded sales turnover of Rs 7224 crore for FY14. Its share was trading at Rs 500 in 2010 and presently it is trading at Rs 1582 rising around 300 per cent in five years. Company’s Group companies also manufacture Tablet Presses, Capsule filling machines, pharma machinery parts and hospital disposables like gloves, etc

Tata Motors

TATAMOTORS | Rank: 40 | CMP: Rs 557 | BSE CODE: 500570

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 232833.66 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 35666.29 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 13991.02 | ROCE(%): 20.39 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.69

Tata Motors is India’s largest automobile company. It is the leader in commercial vehicle in each segment, and among the top in passenger vehicles with winning products in the compact, midsize car and utility vehicle segments. The company has a presence across 175 countries with the current market capitalisation of Rs 188,018.34 crores which is double the sum of market capital of competitor’s company. Moreover, the company has grown at 27 per cent in operation income, 58 per cent in operating profit and market price has appreciated around 61 per cent in last five year.

Reliance Power

RPOWER | Rank: 41 | CMP: Rs 58 | BSE CODE: 532939

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 5174.75 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 2287.08 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 1026.67 | ROCE(%): 4.07 | Debt/Equity (x): 1.35

Reliance Power operates in the energy sector. The company constructs and operates power projects in India and in other countries. It has 5,285 MW of operational power generation assets which operate in different geographic location and use different fuel types and fuel sources. The current projects include three coal-fired projects, one gasfired project and twelve hydroelectric projects in various places in India. Company’s operating income grew at a CAGR of 79 per cent in last five years while its net profit in the same period has increased at a CAGR of 33 per cent.


MARICO | Rank: 42 | CMP: Rs 366 | BSE CODE: 531642

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 4686.52 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 805.89 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 485.38 | ROCE(%): 38.64 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.18

Marico is one of India’s leading consumer products companies operating in the beauty and wellness space. It is currently present in 25 countries across emerging markets of Asia and Africa. Marico has nurtured multiple brands in the categories of hair care, skin care, health foods, male grooming, and fabric care. Th e company compound annual growth rate of the last five years in operating income and net profit is 14 per cent and 21 per cent respectively.

Exide Industries

EXIDEIND | Rank: 43 | CMP: Rs 188 | BSE CODE: 500086

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 8308.85 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 934.72 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 544.66 | ROCE(%): 22.86 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

The Company was incorporated as Associated Battery Makers in 1947 and later in 1995 changed its name to Exide Industries. The company thereafter grew steadily and became the largest manufacturer of batteries in the subcontinent with innovative manufacturing process. It produces world’s largest range of industrial range of batteries ranges from 2.5 Ah to 20600 Ah in seven of its factories strategically located across the country. The company also manufactures automotive and submarine batteries which are also exported to Middle East, Japan and CIS countries.

Sun TV Network

SUNTV | Rank: 44 | CMP: Rs 418 | BSE CODE: 532733

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2223.62 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1517.83 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 748.01 | ROCE(%): 32.59 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.03

Sun TV is India’s largest Media and Entertainment Network company in the Entertainment sector. It has Thirty Three TV channels with the reach of more than 95 million households in India. Sun TV is viewed in 27 countries including U.S.A, Canada, Europe, Singapore, Srilanka, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It has the current market capitalisation of Rs 16,648.10 crore which is second largest market capital when compare to the competitors in India. It has revenue of more than Rs 2000 crore recorded in 2014. The company’s net profit CAGR in the last five years is 15 per cent while it’s operating income CAGR is 16 per cent.



WIPRO| Rank: 45 | CMP: Rs 638 | BSE CODE: 507685

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 43423.8 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 11557.1 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 7947.1 | ROCE(%): 28.24 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.03

Wipro which was earlier known as Western India Products Limited is an Indian multinational IT Consulting and System Integration services company headquartered in Bangalore. As of December 2014, the company has 154,297 employees servicing over 900 large enterprise & Fortune 1000 corporations with a presence in 61 countries. To focus on core IT Business, it demerged its non-IT businesses into a separate company named Wipro Enterprises with effect from 31 March 2013. The demerged companies are consumer care, lighting, healthcare and infrastructure engineering which contributed approx. 10 per cent of the revenues of Wipro in previous financial year

Mahindra & Mahindra

M&M | Rank: 46 | CMP: Rs 1227 | BSE CODE: 500520

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 73915.52 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 10625.25 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 4666.93 | ROCE(%): 16.39 | Debt/Equity (x): 1.09

Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) is one of the largest vehicle manufacturers by production in India and the largest seller of tractors across the world. It is a part of Mahindra Group, an Indian conglomerate. Company’s operating income has grown at a CAGR of 24 per cent and its net profit has increased at a CAGR of 27 per cent during last five years. Moreover, the company expects to continue to factor in healthy operational performance consistently delivered by the company. And it enjoys the market leadership position in its segments with 40.6 per cent market share in tractor segment and 41.7 per cent market share in Utility Vehicles segment in India.

Hero MotoCorp

HEROMOTOCO | Rank: 47 | CMP: Rs 2610 | BSE CODE: 500182

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 25275.47  | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 3983.29 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 2102.66 | ROCE(%): 51.14 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Hero MotoCorp is the world’s largest manufacturer of two-wheelers. The company has achieved the ‘World No. 1’ two-wheeler company in terms of unit volume sales with the capacity of 6.4 million units per annum. The current market capitalisation of the company is Rs 52,346.08 crore. Company’s share in the fast-growing motorcycle segment was at 8.7 per cent recorded in 2014. Its financial risk profile remains healthy, supported by its debt-free, strong cash accruals and liquid surplus of around Rs 39 billion which is recorded in 2014


Power Grid Corporation of India

POWERGRID | Rank: 48 | CMP: Rs 147 | BSE CODE: 532898

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 15675.43 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 13734.57 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 4547.58 | ROCE(%): 8.38 | Debt/Equity (x): 2.24

Power Grid Corporation of India, is one of the largest Power transmission utilities which has set extra-high voltage alternating current and high-voltage direct current transmission line. It is playing a vital role in growth of Indian power sector by developing a strong Integrated National grid .The current market capitalisation stands at Rs 80,566.48. The capex plans of company involves setting up of an associated transmission network for upcoming generation projects of central power generators, setting up ultra-mega power projects, grid strengthening and construction of nine capacity power transmission corridors for power producers.

Maruti Suzuki India

MARUTI | Rank: 49 | CMP: Rs 3651 | BSE CODE: 532500

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 44450.6 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 6034.3 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 2852.9 | ROCE(%): 16.77 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.03

Maruti Suzuki (MSIL) is an automobile manufacturer in India. It currently has 15 models with over variants across segments includes Mini, Compact, Mid-Size, Executive, Multi-Purpose and Sports utility. MSIL has manufacturing facilities in three plants with total installed capacity of 1.26 million units per annum. The company’s operating income has grown at a CAGR of 16.36 per cent and share prices have appreciated by 28 per cent in last five years. Company has maintained its strong financial profile and expected to continue the dominant position in the domestic passenger car segment and due to its healthy operating efficiency.

Kansai Nerolac Paints

KANSAINER | Rank: 50 | CMP: Rs 2270 | BSE CODE: 500165

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3154.35 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 372.42 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 206.57  | ROCE(%): 20.84 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.04

Kansai Nerolac is the largest industrial paint and second largest manufacturer of decorative coatings, automotive coatings, high-performance coatings, powder coatings, and general industrial coating company. It develops and supplies paint systems used on the finishing lines of electrical components, cycle, bus bodies, containers and furniture industries. The company reported a net profit of Rs 206.6 crore on net sales of Rs 3154.4 crore recorded in 2014. Moreover, company will maintain its overall credit profile backed by its leadership position in the industrial paint sector. The compound annual growth rate(CAGR) is 16 per cent in net profit in the last five years.


Elite 100


SYMPHONY | Rank: 1 | CMP: Rs 2191 | BSE CODE: 517385

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 532.7 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 139.9 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 105.72 | ROCE(%): 49.34 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

The Indian based air coolers manufacturing company, was incorporated on February 5, 1988 as Sanskrut Comfort Systems and was founded by Achal Bakeri, who is also the current CMD of the company. It occupies 50 per cent of the value market share in Air Coolers industry in India. Symphony has its operations in about 60 countries around the globe. The market capitalisation of the company is Rs 7275.70 crore, as on March 3rd, 2015, with operational revenue of 532.7 crore. The company has been certified by Guinness World Records for making world’s largest functioning Air Cooler.

eClerx Services

ECLERX| Rank: 2 | CMP: Rs 1514 | BSE CODE: 532927

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 840.99 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 364.6 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 255.66  | ROCE (%): 56.29 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

The Mumbai based Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) Company EClerx founded in March 2000, by PD Mundhra and Anjan Malik. The company supports operations to over 30 Fortune 500 Companies. eClerx works on delivering process improvements, data analytics and management solutions to these companies. The organisation has five operations delivery centers based in Mumbai, Pune and Chandigarh. Client relationship offices are located in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Austin, Philadelphia, London, Dublin and Singapore.

Abbott India

ABBOTINDIA | Rank: 3 | CMP: Rs 3828 | BSE CODE: 500488

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2296.89 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 316.57 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 198.45 | ROCE (%): 37.39 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Abbott India is Pharmaceutical and Health Care products company, head quartered in Mumbai. The company has strong brand equity in women’s health, gastroenterology, neurology, thyroid, diabetes and urology, pain management, vitamins and antiinfectives. The company outperformed the Indian Pharmaceutical Market, with core business growing at 14.1 per cent when the market grew by 10.1 per cent. The company has in house development and medical teams to undertake product and clinical development.



WABCOINDIA | Rank: 4 | CMP: Rs 5607 | BSE CODE: 533023

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1110.7 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 193.36 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 117.48 | ROCE (%): 21.34 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

WABCO India is a subsidiary of WABCO, an US company founded in 1869 as Westinghouse Air Brake Company. The company is the leading provider of designs, manufacture and marketing of conventional braking products, advanced braking systems, and other related air assisted products and systems for commercial vehicles. WABCO India has an advanced soft ware design and development centre located in Chennai, where the engineers develop Embedded Soft ware for applications in electronic braking, stability, transmission and climate control.

VST Tillers Tractors

VSTTILLERS | Rank: 5 | CMP: Rs 1445 | BSE CODE: 531266

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 624.22 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 127.64 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 82.94 | ROCE (%): 39.63 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

VST Tillers Tractors was incorporated in 1967 by Shri V.T.Krishnamoorthy, VST Group, Bangalore as a joint venture with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan. The products of the company are the Power Tillers and Tractors which are widely used in agricultural sector in India. The company has its manufactured products exporting to the whole of Africa, and also to Middle East, Russia and Turkey. The exporting is done to Europe, Korea and Thailand. MHI-VST Diesel Engines Private is a joint venture company for building diesel engines.

Kaveri Seed Company

KSCL | Rank: 6 | CMP: Rs 918 | BSE CODE: 532899

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1002.41 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 229.9 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 210.56 | ROCE (%): 41.54 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Kaveri Seeds Company is one of the noteworthy seed company in India with market capitalisation of 6500.36 crore as on March 11, 2015. It was incorporated in 1987 on august 27th, since inception it has a good track record of core business activities (parameters) such as operating income, operating profit etc. Company has continued its trend in last five years and its operating income has reported 52 per cent increase whereas operating profit is reported as 50 per cent increase.


Swaraj Engines

SWARAJENG | Rank: 7 | CMP: Rs 772 | BSE CODE: 500407

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 608.28 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 108.12 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 67 | ROCE (%): 47.17 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Established in 1983, Swaraj Engines is Chandigarh, based automobile company, owned by the Sumitomo Corporation of Japan and Punjab Tractors of India, with a technical collaboration with Isuzu and Mazda of Japan. The company started its commercial production in 1989 building diesel engines for agricultural tractors and hi-tech engine components for SML Isuzu ltd (erstwhile Swaraj Mazda).The five year compound annual growth rate of company’s operating income, operating profit and net profit are 24 per cent, 28 per cent and 26 per cent respectively.

Mayur Uniquoters

MAYURUNIQ | Rank: 8 | CMP: Rs 449 | BSE CODE: 522249

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 469.61 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 94.97 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 56.8 | ROCE (%): 44.64 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.1

Mayur Uniquoter’s, is India based company incorporated in the year 1992, as a Mid Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 1887.26 Cr.) is operating in plastics sector. Its total capacity is 3.05 million linear meters per month which is fully utilised, and this makes it the largest manufacture of artificial leather/PVC vinyl in India. During the past five years compound annual growth rate of company’s operating income(32 per cent),operating profit (44 per cent) and net profit (56 per cent) pushed company’s stock price appreciation to 149 per cent.

Kewal Kiran Clothing

KKCL | Rank: 9 | CMP: Rs 2031 | BSE CODE: 532732

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 367.21 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 105.23 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 67.03 | ROCE (%): 33.08 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

The company was incorporated in 1981 as Kewal Kiran Clothing and then unveiled as Kewal Kiran Apparels on 30th January 1992. Company sales its product in Asia, Middle East and CIS. Company ranked first in terms of net profit in the financial year 2013-14 when compared to peers (Trent, Future retail, and Shoppers stop etc) made the company to build an indelible mark in the archives of industry. The Company has made operating profit growth of 35 per cent in last five years ending FY14, which was one of the contributions for CAGR price appreciation of 70 per cent over the last five years.



NESCO | Rank: 10 | CMP: Rs 1688 | BSE CODE: 505355

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 161.11 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 128.03 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 81.02 | ROCE (%): 26.66 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Nesco was established in 1946, the first company to bring into India, world class manufacturing process and product designs for forging tools and pumps for on-shore oil recovery. In 1992, the company setup an exhibition centre known as the Bombay Exhibition center, first Private Exhibition center located in the heart of Mumbai. Nesco has shown 24 per cent operating profit growth annually in last five years ending FY14 and has managed to maintain zero debt with considerable cash reserves over the last five years which is praise worthy. The company’s share price has appreciated by of 39 per cent every year over the last five years.

TTK Prestige

TTKPRESTIG | Rank: 11 | CMP: Rs 3617 | BSE CODE: 517506

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1293.83 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 168.1 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 111.79 | ROCE (%): 25.08 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

TTK Prestige incorporated in 1956 was just a single product (Pressure Cookers) company till 1990, which then turned into India’s largest domestic appliance company. Now this company holds largest market capitalisation of Rs 4195 crores in domestic appliances sector. There is no surprise for a company like TTK Prestige with an extraordinary plant modernisation, has received TPM Excellence Award (Total productive Maintenance) from Japan Institute of plant Maintenance on 18th March, 2015.


CYIENT | Rank: 12 | CMP: Rs 547 | BSE CODE: 532175

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2206.43 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 427.17 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 266 | ROCE (%): 22.27 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Cyient, formerly InfoTech Enterprises was incorporated in 1991. It is a company focused on engineering, networks and operations providing engineering services to the global markets. More than 12,500 associates across 38 global locations apply expertise in industries including aerospace, consumer, energy, medical, oil and gas, mining, heavy equipment, semiconductor, rail transportation, utilities and communications The company was ranked among top 30 outsourcing companies in the world by IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) in the year 2014.


Risa International

RISAINTL| Rank: 13 | CMP: Rs 168 | BSE CODE: 530251

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 148.38 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 6.12 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 3.67 | ROCE (%): 18.32 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Risa International trades in fabrics in India. It is also involved in real estate activities. The company was formerly known as Govindji Trikamdas Exports and changed its name to Risa International in June 2011. This Textile company was incorporated in 1993. The increase in the operational income about 253 per cent and operational profit of 174 per cent for the past five years shows the momentum of the company.

Atul Auto

ATULAUTO | Rank: 14 | CMP: Rs 579 | BSE CODE: 531795

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 430.13 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 48.31 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 29.79 | ROCE (%): 45.61 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Atul Auto is a manufacturer of 3-wheeler commercial vehicles in the state of Gujarat. The Company manufactures 3-wheelers in the sub one ton category targeting the passenger and cargo segment. In passenger segment, the Company manufactures the diesel and CNG powered carrier for carrying 3 to 6 passengers. In the cargo segment, the Company manufactures vehicles with a rated carrying capacity of 0.50 ton. The Company produces auto rickshaw under Atul Shakti, Atul Smart, Atul Gem and Atul Gemini-DZ product names. The Company is also engaged in the generation of Electricity with Wind Turbine Generator at Village Gandhavi, Gujarat.


CMC | Rank: 15 | CMP: Rs 1933 | BSE CODE: 517326

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2230.93 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 414.34 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 280.42 | ROCE (%): 33.5 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

CMC is an is an Information Technology services, consulting and soft ware company and was incorporated on 26 December 1975, as the ‘Computer Management Corporation’ The Government of India held 100 per cent of the equity share capital and owned by government of India. On 19 August 1977, it was converted into a public limited company. The company’s performance is exemplary with an operating profit growth of 27 per cent and the price appreciation of 61 per cent over the past five years ending FY14.


Cera Sanitaryware

CERA | Rank: 16 | CMP: Rs 2597 | BSE CODE: 532443

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 663.69 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 101.09 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 51.91 | ROCE (%): 33.35 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.04

Incorporated in 1980, Cera has emerged as the third largest player in the sanitary ware industry in India. It holds around 23 per cent market share in the organised segment. The company has installed capacity to produce 2.7mn pieces/annum of sanitary ware and 2,500 pieces/ day of faucet ware. It also imports premium sanitary ware products from China and markets under the CERA brand. The product range includes vitreous China sanitary ware, faucet ware (chrome plated fittings and taps), wellness products such as shower panels, bathroom cubicles, bath tubs, jacuzzi, bath fittings, allied products (PVC cisterns and seat covers), kitchen sinks and bathroom mirrors..

Shilpa Medicare

SHILPAMED | Rank: 17 | CMP: Rs 980 | BSE CODE: 530549

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 571.38 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 125.1 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 75.67 | ROCE (%): 20.61 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.17

Shilpa Medicare was incorporated in 1987 by Vishnu Kant Bhutada and his associates. It started its operations as API manufacturer way back in 1987 at Raichur, Karnataka- India. Company is engaged in the business of bulk drugs manufacturing. It also engaged in the business of developing, manufacturing and commercialization of generic pharmaceuticals. The Company offers drug delivery solutions and healthcare solutions spread across different therapeutic areas. Besides exporting to USA, and European Countries, company also cater to South American Countries like Mexico, Brazil, and Columbia etc.

Pine Animation

PINEANIM | Rank: 18 | CMP: Rs 35 | BSE CODE: 511421

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 86.14 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 0.89 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 0.61 | ROCE (%): 3.43 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Pine Animation was incorporated in the year 1989 in Chennai. The Company provides various computer soft ware services to animation industry. Pine Animation which was formerly known as Four K Animation was incorporated in the year 1989 as a finance company based in Chennai. Th e Company was engaged in financial services activities such as Hire-Purchase, Leasing and Bill discounting. Company’s net profit has grown at a compound annual rate of the company is 75 per cent in last five year ending FY14 and operating profit in the same period has grown at a rate of 115 per cent.


Zydus Wellness

ZYDUSWELL | Rank: 19 | CMP: Rs 940 | BSE CODE: 531335

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 203.25 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 93.07 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 96.45 | ROCE (%): 31.83 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Zydus Wellness (Zydus Wellness) is an India-based company engaged in manufacturing of consumer products. The Company’s products include Everyuth, Sugar Free, Nutralite and Actilife. The Company has a range of skincare products under the brand name of Everyuth Naturals. Everyuth Naturals includes skincare solutions for sun protection, pigmentation and acne. The company was incorporated in the year 1994. The company has become a significant player in this growing consumer product market. The company’s share price has increased at a CAGR 55 per cent in last five year.

VST Industries

VSTIND | Rank: 20 | CMP: Rs 1625 | BSE CODE: 509966

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 789.17 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 250.55 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 150.15 | ROCE (%): 68.23 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

The Vazir Sultan Tobacco Company was incorporated on 10th November, 1930 at Hyderabad affiliated to British American Tobacco group from U.K. Later it changed its name to VST Industries in April, 1983. It manufactures tobacco and related products. It is third largest cigarette manufacturing company in India. The company’s brands have registered growth in volumes in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and North Bengal. The company has operating profit has grown at a rate of 25 per cent in the last five years ending FY14. The company expects its growth to continue in future through the geographic expansion and by introducing new brands.

Lycos Internet

LYCOS | Rank: 21 | CMP: Rs 37 | BSE CODE: 532368

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1673.37 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 368.65 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 220.96 | ROCE (%): 23.25 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.04

Lycos Internet Limited, formerly Ybrant Digital, is a digital media company. The Company offers digital marketing solutions to businesses, agencies, and online publishers around the world. The Company’s services are advertising and publishing. Advertising includes digital media platforms, such as display, mobile, video, social and search. Publishing includes providing optimized and intelligent display technologies which create a network of solutions. The company was founded by Suresh Reddy and Vijay Kancharla in 1999. Company’s clients include blue chip advertisers like MTV, Samsung, Viacom, Maruti Suzuki, Airtel, Sony, Coco Cola, among others.


Info Edge (India)

INFO EDGE | Rank: 22 | CMP: Rs 847 | BSE CODE: 532777

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 567.22 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 146.83 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 89.67 | ROCE (%): 18.68 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

INFO EDGE (India) is primarily in the business of Internet based service delivery operating in four service verticals: recruitment services, matrimonial services, real estate services and education services the recruitment portfolio is supported by the offline executive search business Quadrangle and the associated portal www.quadranglesearch.com. The other properties are naukri.com, naukrigulf.com, brijj.com, firstnaukri.com, jeevansathi.com, 99acres.com, allcheckdeals.com and shiksha. com. Company operates through 48 offices in 31 cities in India and overseas offices in Dubai, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Bahrain catering to the Middle East market.


VAKRANGEE | Rank: 23 | CMP: Rs 119 | BSE CODE: 511431

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1951.9 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 540.76 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 175.04 | ROCE (%): 30.31 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.13

Vakrangee, formerly Vakrangee Soft wares. The Company’s business is divided into two business segments: e-Governance business, including systems integration projects and print and data management services, and Vakrangee Mart Business, which includes financial inclusion business, G2C and B2C services and white label ATM business. The e-Governance business segment provides system integration and other services for India’s national e-Governance plans including UID enrollment, sarva shiksha abhiyan, public distribution system, among others and print and data management services and election related projects.

Nitin Fire Protection Industries

NITINFIRE | Rank: 24 | CMP: Rs 39 | BSE CODE: 532854

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1016.12 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 115.56 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 66.52 | ROCE (%): 13.75 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Nitin Fire Protection Industries (NFPIL) was established in 1980 by Nitin Shah. NFPIL, was incorporated in the year 1995 and is head quartered in Mumbai. NFPIL has Fire Protection System in India as well as United Arab Emirates, South Asia and Europe. Subsidiaries of NFPIL are NITIN Ventures FZE, NITIN Global PTE, New Age Company LLC, FIRETEC Systems, EUROTECH Cylinders, and Worthington NITIN Cylinders. Company’s income from products like projects contributed 67.96 per cent, Fire Extinguishers and Equipments contributed 23.08 per cent, Cylinders contributed 8.53 per cent , Sale of services contributed 0.41 per cent of total sales.


Ricoh India

RICOHQ | Rank: 25 | CMP: Rs 487 | BSE CODE: 517496

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1048.65 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 77.99 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 17.23 | ROCE (%): 12.43 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Ricoh India is CMMI Level 3 Company incorporated as joint venture with RPG group in 1993, by the RIKEN zaibatsu. Reincorporated in 1998 as Ricoh India, company offers data centre and hosting services in India. Ricoh’s head quarter is located in Ricoh Building in Tokyo. Company’s products are office printers, digital duplicators, production printers, projection systems, video conferencing solutions & related soft ware technologies. Also in managed document services and provides a combination of document and IT-related services, addressing business practices surrounding the management of both print and electronic information and communication.

Ajanta Pharma

AJANTPHARM | Rank: 26 | CMP: Rs 3128 | BSE CODE: 532331

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1208.34 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 382.48 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 233.9 | ROCE (%): 47.95 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.09

Ajanta Pharma is a pharmaceutical company engaged in development, manufacture and marketing of quality finished dosages in domestic and international markets. Established in 1973 and headquartered in Mumbai, Ajanta has been consistently providing high quality affordable medicines to patients in different parts of the world and their products are sold in over 40 countries. Their way of working made them achieve a whooping operating profit growth of 43 per cent and price appreciation of 131 per cent annually for the five year ending FY14. Share price has appreciated from around Rs 50 in 2010 to around Rs 3128 in 2015.

Avanti Feeds

AVANTI | Rank: 27 | CMP: Rs 1568 | BSE CODE: 512573

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1131.61 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 114.21 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 70.41 | ROCE (%): 46.71 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.06

Avanti Feeds was incorporated in 1993, and since then it has been producing nutritionally well-balanced and high quality feed. It has a joint venture with Thai Union Frozen Products, which is the world’s largest seafood processor. Avanti has three prawns and a fish feed manufacturing units with a capacity of 90,000 MT per annum. Avanti Feeds caters to both domestic as well as international market. The market capitalisation stands at Rs 1433 crore as on March 11, 2015. The company has been consistently distributing dividends to its shareholders.

La Opala RG

LAOPALA | Rank: 28 | CMP: Rs 382 | BSE CODE: 526947

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 177.86 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 51.06 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 29.95 | ROCE (%): 39.32 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

La Opala RG began its journey in 1987 pioneering in Opal glass production and innovation. The net worth of company has increased from Rs 37.92 crore in March 2010 to Rs 97.83 crore in March 2014, and at the same time the burden of debt has also decreased to a great extent. The most significant part of the company’s growth is that they managed to maintain annual net profit growth of 106 per in the last five year ending March 2014. The company’s share price had an appreciated from around Rs 8 in 2010 to around Rs 385 in 2015. Today (March 11, 2015) its market capitalisation stands at Rs 2116.77 crore.


V-Guard Industries

VGUARD | Rank: 29 | CMP: Rs 935 | BSE CODE: 532953

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1517.56 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 127.39 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 70.13 | ROCE (%): 27.62 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.1

Started in 1977 with just two employees, V-Guard has become a force to reckon with in the Indian electric and electric goods panorama. It is based in Cochin. V-Guard was synonym for voltage stabilisers across South India. The company then extended their range of products to include Electronic Stabilisers, Digital Stabilizers, and Stabiliser for Air Conditioners, UPS, and Digital UPS etc. The operating income of the company has increased by 35 per cent on CAGR basis for the five year ending FY14. The share price has appreciated by 72 per cent annually from 2010 to 2015.

Tide Water Oil Company India

TIDEWATER | Rank: 30 | CMP: Rs 15153 | BSE CODE: 590005

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1007.49 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 112.58 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 68.34 | ROCE (%): 26.58 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Tide Water Oil Company was incorporated in 1922. It is one of the leading players in the Indian lubricant industry since 1928. It manufactures and markets Veedol brand of lubricants. Its repertoire of automotive products includes engine oils for all sorts of automotive vehicles and industrial lubricants. The company has had zero debt from 2010-14 and cash reserves of around Rs 385 crore at the end of 2014. Company has seen only 20 per cent net profit growth and 31 per cent share price appreciation over the past five years (2009-14). However the company has managed to keep its shareholders happy by paying dividends every year.

Centum Electronics

CENTUM | Rank: 31 | CMP: Rs 732 | BSE CODE: 517544

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 425.18 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 83.28 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 34.67 | ROCE (%): 36.83 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Centum Electronics founded in 1994, has created a strong presence in the field of Defense and Aerospace, Space, Industrial, Medical and Telecom industry segments all around the world. Company has large presence in USA and Europe. The Company designs, manufactures and also exports electronic products. The Company operates through two divisions: Products segment, which has component business consisting of Modules and Frequency Control Products, and Services segment, which involves Electronic Manufacturing Services. Centum Electronics has reported a consolidated total income from operations of Rs 425 crore and a net profit of Rs 35 crore in FY14.


Accelya Kale Solutions

ACCELYA | Rank: 32 | CMP: Rs 953 | BSE CODE: 532268

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 316.74 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 141.83 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 86.19 | ROCE (%): 118.33 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Accelya Kale Solutions, incorporated in the year 1986, operates in Information Technology sector with expertise in revenue accounting, audit and revenue recovery, credit card management, miscellaneous billing. Formerly also known as Kale Consultants, the company became part of the Accelya Group in 2011.It has its presence in nine countries across five continents. Company’s key products/revenue segments includes soft ware development charges, which contributed Rs 316 crore to sales value (99.91per cent of total sales) for the year ending 30-Jun-2014.

Astra Microwave Products

ASTRAMICRO | Rank: 33 | CMP: Rs 143 | BSE CODE: 532493

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 531.16 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 91.52 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 50.93 | ROCE (%): 26.17 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.11

Astra Microwave was founded in the year 1991. It designs, develops and manufactures sub-systems for RF (Radio Frequency) and microwave systems used in defense, space, telecommunication and meteorology. Its key products include microwave components, which contributed Rs 541.34 crore to Sales Value (99.46 per cent of total sales) for the year ending 31-Mar-2014. For the quarter ended 31-Dec-2014, the company has reported standalone sales of Rs 148.01 crore and net-profit of Rs 12.70 crore. Company’s share prices has appreciated by 27 per cent in last five years ending FY14

Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company

SPARC | Rank: 35 | CMP: Rs 509 | BSE CODE: 532872

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 167.03 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 43.49 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 30.32 | ROCE (%): 27.73 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.03

Sun Pharma Advanced Research was formed in 2007 which was actually separated out from the leading Sun Pharmaceutical Industries for the drug discovery and innovation. The company is currently working in new drug development projects called Anti Cancer and Anti inflammatory/Soft Steroid. Sun Pharma Products/ Revenue Segments include sale of services which contributed Rs 139.75 Cr to sales Value (83.66 per cent of total sales) for the year ending 31-Mar-2014.


Goodyear India

GOODYEAR | Rank: 35 | CMP: Rs 557 | BSE CODE: 500168

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1568.72 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 169.26 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 94.07 | ROCE (%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Frank A. Seiberling founded Goodyear, one of the world’s largest tyre companies. Goodyear’s presence in India is more than 92 years old, with two tyre plants, one each in Ballabgarh and Aurangabad. In the passenger car segment, Goodyear in India supplies tyres to many of the leading Original Equipment Manufacturers. Goodyear in India has been a pioneer in introducing tubeless radial tyres in this segment. In the farm segment, in India, Goodyear tyres are supplied to all the major tractor companies. Goodyear tyres are the first tyres to land on the Moon.

Suven Life Sciences

SUVEN | Rank: 36 | CMP: Rs 249 | BSE CODE: 530239

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 510.31 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 222.09 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 144.16 | ROCE (%): 64.47 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.14

Suven Life Sciences was promoted by Mrs. and Mr. Venkat Jasti in 1989. Suven Life Science is a biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering, developing and commercialising pharmaceutical products, which are first in class or best in class therapies through the use of G-protein coupled receptors targets. The Company has increased its operating profit from Rs 14.44 crores to Rs 222 crores over the past 5 years. It has world class manufacturing facilities in the business of Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemical Intermediates for Global Life Science Companies for New Chemical Entities (NCE’s).

Suprajit Engineering

SUPRAJIT | Rank: 37 | CMP: Rs 135 | BSE CODE: 532509

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 545.24 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 96.2 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 50.81 | ROCE (%): 25.32 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.21

Suprajit Engineering (SEL) is the market leader in the domestic auto cables with around 65 per cent market share in the 2 wheeler and around 25 per cent in the 4 wheeler segment. The company caters to the domestic as well as the global players in the Indian automotive space. Expansion in exports, replacement market and non-automotive segments offers required hedge against seasonality in the business. Company boasts of robust return ratio of around 30 per cent despite investing steadily in the capacity expansion. SEL is planning a capacity expansion from the current 150 to 225 million cables per year with a capital outlay of about Rs 65 crores over the next two years.


Hindustan Copper

HINDCOPPER | Rank: 38 | CMP: Rs 72 | BSE CODE: 513599

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1488.88 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 599.75 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 286.42 | ROCE (%): 23.26 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Hindustan Copper is public sector undertaking under the administrative control of the ministry of Mines. In FY14, the company was produced 38.27 lakh tonnes Ore which is the highest in last 15 years and 5 per cent higher as compared to the previous year. Metal-in-Concentrate (MIC) production of 32,276 MT during the year is the highest in last 12 years and 10 per cent higher as compared to the previous year. CC Rod production of 22,976 MT during the year is 13 per cent higher as compared to the previous year. Overall sales performance is about 18 per cent higher as compared to the previous year.

Poly Medicure

POLYMED | Rank: 39 | CMP: Rs 504 | BSE CODE: 531768

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 322.25 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 75.3 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 45.09 | ROCE (%): 31.37 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.26

Polymed is the leading manufacturer of medical disposables in India with over 90 products. The company is engaged in the manufacture of Infusion Therapy, Central Venous Catheters, Anesthesia, Urology, Gastroenterology, Blood management sets, Surgery, wound drainage products and Dialysis related products. Most of the revenues accrue from – IV Cannula (50 per cent of revenues). Exports contribute 70 per cent of total revenue. Export sales are mostly via distributors. Domestic business is conducted via government tenders or via distributors to private hospitals.


Astral Poly Technik

ASTRAL | Rank: 40 | CMP: Rs 443 | BSE CODE: 532830

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1079.64 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 157.57 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 78.91 | ROCE (%): 32.79 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.26

Astral Poly Technik is engaged in the business of manufacturing of PVC and CPVC Pipes and fittings. Its product are used in plumbing for hot and cold water, plumbing for cold water, sewerage waste and rain water, underground application, fire sprinklers application, flush tanks, drains and waste traps and industrial applications. In FY14, the Company has increased its installed capacity by 26 per cent from 77,212 MT to 97,164 MT by involving a Capex outfl ow of Rs 21.6 crore. The Company has utilized its capacity to the tune of 60,400 M.T. as against the last year’s figure of 49,495 M.T. which shows a growth of 22 per cent.

J Kumar Infraprojects

JKIL | Rank: 41 | CMP: Rs 658 | BSE CODE: 532940

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1186.78 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 216.63 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 84.05 | ROCE (%): 17.61 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

J Kumar Infraprojects (JKIL) is a specialised player in urban transportation having executed more than 75 projects and currently having over 40 ongoing projects. JKIL is involved in the construction of metro, roads, flyovers, skywalks, buildings and tunnels. The company’s promoters have been in the contracting business since 1980. JKIL has been able to maintain EBITDA margins of over 15 per cent in F10-14 owing to a large fleet of owned modern construction equipment and 15 ready mix concrete plants catering primarily to its captive requirements. Government projects account for majority of JKIL’s order book with the Delhi Metro and Sion-Panvel being the key large projects.

PI Industries

PIIND | Rank: 42 | CMP: Rs 659 | BSE CODE: 523642

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1595.54 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 304.69 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 188 | ROCE (%): 34.99 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.07

PI Industries (PI) is an agri input and custom synthesis and manufacturing company. PI has two business activities: Agri Inputs offering plant protection products, and specialty plant nutrient products and solutions, and Custom Synthesis & Manufacturing for contract research and production of agro chemicals, intermediates and other niche fine chemicals. The Company’s geographical segments include Sales within India and Sales outside India. Revenues increased by 39 per cent to Rs 1595 crore in FY14 from Rs 1150.5 crore in FY13, due to favourable traction in the domestic market on the back of a robust brand portfolio, offtake of new products and a ramp-up of custom synthesis exports.

KPIT Technologies

KPIT | Rank: 43 | CMP: Rs 211 | BSE CODE: 532400

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2694.04 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 410.51 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 248.95 | ROCE (%): 20.8 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.1

KPIT Technologies is a product designing and IT consultant for companies in automotive & transportation, manufacturing and energy & utilities. It has headquarters in Pune and has over 10,000 employees. It carries operations in over 16 countries. It is a mid-cap IT company having market capitalization of Rs 4219 Cr and recorded Rs 2694 Cr as revenue in FY 2014. Over 20 years in business the company has grown steadily through continuous innovation. It has filed 50 patents in the automotive domain. The net profit of the company has grown at 30 per cent over past five years and its share price has risen from Rs 50 to Rs 220 over 5 years showing around 400 per cent increase in stock price.


Bata India

BATAINDIA | Rank: 44 | CMP: Rs 1164 | BSE CODE: 500043

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2065.18 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 354.94 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 190.74 | ROCE (%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Bata India is the largest retailer and leading manufacturer of footwear in India and is a part of the Bata Shoe Organisation. Incorporated in 1931, the company was set up initially as a small operation in Konnagar (near Calcutta) in 1932. It was the first manufacturing facility in the Indian shoe industry to receive the ISO: 9001 certification. The company went public in 1973. Its retail network of over 1200 stores gives it a reach / coverage that no other footwear company can match. Its current market capitalisation stands at Rs 7927.43 crore. Company’s net profit has grown at a CAGR of 26 per cent its share price has appreciated by 41 per cent price over the last five years ending FY14.

Honda Siel Power Products

HONDAPOWER | Rank: 45 | CMP: Rs 1134 | BSE CODE: 522064

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 541.35 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 55.69 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 18.78 | ROCE (%): 12.97 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Incorporated in 1985, with the philosophy of respecting individual customers and ensuring three joys of buying, selling, and creating; Honda Siel Power Products (HSPP) is serving various industries. The company is a joint venture between Honda Motors Japan and Siel having 67 per cent Equity Stake of Honda Motor Co. Japan. It is one of the leading manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of portable generators, water pumping sets and general-purpose engines. Its current market capitalisation stands at Rs 1166.61 crore. This company has performed consistently financially well while maintaining zero debt.

Vinati Organics

VINATIORGA | Rank: 46 | CMP: Rs 530 | BSE CODE: 530

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 696.13 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 162.06 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 86.15 | ROCE (%): 33.94 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.35

Established in 1989, Vinati Organics is a chemical company producing aromatics, polymers, monomers and other specialty products alongside of being the only company to be backward integrated. the company is a leader in its field and has a sturdy market presence in over 22 countries. Their income has increased almost three folds in five years, i.e. from Rs 245.25 crore to Rs 704.45 crore (Mar’10-Mar’14) and the networth has increased from Rs 90 crore to Rs 310.07 crore in the same period.


Sunteck Realty

SUNTECK | Rank: 47 | CMP: Rs 277 | BSE CODE: 512179

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 925.56 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 291.2 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 150.97 | ROCE (%): 23.57 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Established in 1981, Sunteck Realty (SRL) is a Mumbai based real estate company, catering to the ultra-luxury and luxury residential segment. SRL is renowned for its strong project execution skills and works with renowned brands like Walt Disney, L&T and Talathy&Panthaky. Its current market capitalisation stands at Rs 1756.31 Cr. The company has made turnover of around Rs 925.56 Cr. in Mar’14 and their operating income has been increasing at an average rate of 114 per cent every year over the last five years. However, company’s share price has given negative return in our study period. Nonetheless, since then share price of the company has gone up substantially.

Fag Bearings India

FAGBEARING | Rank: 48 | CMP: Rs 4156 | BSE CODE: 505790

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1430.01 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 229.88 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 121.83 | ROCE (%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

FAG Bearings India was incorporated in 1962. Since January 2002 FAG has been integrated into a strong network because that is when FAG, together with INA and LuK formed the Schaeffler Group. INA and FAG became the world’s second largest rolling bearing manufacturer. FAG India’s headquarter and manufacturing facilities are located in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. FAG India has been a proud partner in this technical progress providing Indian industry with bearings of contemporary technology and high quality standards. FAG is No.1 supplier of hub bearings to the Indian Passenger Car Industry. The Indian Railways has been an important customer of the company.

Kitex Garments

KITEX | Rank: 49 | CMP: Rs 525 | BSE CODE: 521248

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 442.21 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 108.48 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 57.37 | ROCE (%): 33.65 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.17

Kitex Garments was incorporated in the year 1992. Their area of specialisation is textiles and fabrics. Company is one of top players in this segment which is dominated by Page Industries and KPR Mill. Company managed to achieve a total income of almost one and half times more than that of previous years’ between March 2013 and March 2014 with the figures being Rs 317 crore and Rs 442 crore respectively. The share price has appreciated by more than eight times over last five years. Its current market cap (March 11, 2015) and stands at Rs 2418.23 crore.

CCL International

CCLINTER | Rank: 50 | CMP: Rs 443 | BSE CODE: 531900

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 79.61 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 3.18 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 0.99 | ROCE (%): 4.35 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.09

CCL International engages in trading business in India. The company purchases and sells various types of fabrics and fibers, such as yarn, jute, sofa fabrics, cotton fabrics, and grey clothes, as well as iron and steel products. CCL International was incorporated in May 1996. The company was formerly known as Gupta Cements. It changed its name to Chirawa Cements. Again in 2008, the name of the company was changed from Chirawa Cements to CCL International. The share price has appreciated by 157 per cent annually over last five years ending FY14


IFB Industries

IFBIND| Rank: 51 | CMP: Rs 566 | BSE CODE: 505726

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1021.47 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 53.35 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 21.6 | ROCE (%): 7.98 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

IFB Industries is engaged in the manufacture of home appliances and fine blanking business. It is also involved in upgrading computer design soft ware, wash lab equipment, development of new models, etc. The geographical revenue break-up is 50 per cent in southern region, around 25 per cent in northern region and rest in western and eastern regions, of which the eastern region is the lowest contributor. IFB is the leader in frontloading washing machines that constitute around 50 per cent of its revenue. To order to diversify its business model, IFB has entered into new categories of commercial appliances. IFB introduced air-conditioners (ACs) in 3QFY14.

VIP Industries

VIPIND | Rank: 52 | CMP: Rs 98 | BSE CODE: 507880

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 972.49 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 83.16 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 57.64 | ROCE (%): 21.81 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

VIP Industries is engaged in manufacture of travel products business. With changing market preferences, VIP too launched more products in the soft luggage category and today these make up 70 per cent of sales. The company’s sales have grown at an average rate of 12 per cent in the last five years. VIP recorded sales growth of 16 per cent in FY14. Profits (before exceptional gains) were up 43 per cent due to improved margins, a lower forex loss and a fall in interest outgo. With the economy showing signs of revival, more people are set to travel, on business and pleasure, which expects more revenue growth for luggage makers such as VIP Industries.

Force Motors

FORCEMOT | Rank: 53 | CMP: Rs 1378 | BSE CODE: 500033

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2021.63 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 156.65 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 77.69 | ROCE (%): 5.76 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.02

Force Motors engaged in designing, development and manufacture of automotive components, aggregates and vehicles. Its product range include Traveler, range of passenger and goods carriers; Trax, an all-terrain vehicle; Force One, a SUV; Trump 40, a range of small commercial vehicles and Balwan and Orchard, tractors. The company exports its range of products to various countries in Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Africa. The Company sold 27,537 numbers of vehicles during the FY14 compared to 29,502 vehicles in FY13. The proportion of LCV and Utility Vehicles, in the product mix of the Company, has increased in relation to the Small Commercial Vehicles.


Gujarat Gas Company

GUJRATGAS | Rank: 54 | CMP: Rs 590 | BSE CODE: 523477

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3903.35 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 711.54 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 418.61 | ROCE (%): 49.26 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Gujarat Gas Company is engaged in Natural Gas Business in Gujarat. Natural gas business involves distribution of gas from sources of supply to centers of demand and to the end customers. The Company has underground pipe lines consists of mild steel (ME) and polyethylene (PE). These lines gas is supplied to Residential, Industrial, Commercial and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). The Company also supplies piped natural gas to customers and retails compressed natural gas. Gas is used by customers for applications, such as heating, cooling, power and process. The Company has two subsidiaries namely Gujarat Gas Financial Services Limited and Gujaratgas Trading Company

Zensar Technologies

ZENSARTECH | Rank: 55 | CMP: Rs 641 | BSE CODE: 504067

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2336.37 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 388.44 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 237.52 | ROCE (%): 33.61 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.08

Incorporated in 1952 under the name of Hollerith (India), Zensar Technologies is a globally focused soft ware and services company spread across eighteen countries across the world. It is the world’s first enterprise–wide SEI CMM Level 5 Company and now a CMMI Level 5 Company with industry expertise that spans across Utilities, Retail and Distribution, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, Manufacturing and Telecomm. Zensar has forged strategic technology partnerships with global technology leaders such as IBM, Microsoft , Sun Microsystems and Oracle. The company has witnessed a 9.5 per cent growth in revenue for the FY14 .

Lakshmi Machine Works

LAXMIMACH | Rank: 56 | CMP: Rs 3732 | BSE CODE: 500252

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2337.85 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 381.64 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 189.06 | ROCE (%): 25.01 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Lakshmi Machine Works Limited is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of Textile Spinning Machinery, computer numerical control (CNC) Machine Tools, Heavy Castings and parts and components for Aero space industry. It is based out of Coimbatore. It was established in 1962 and has been a global player of the entire range of Textile machinery. Company has 60 per cent market share in the domestic Textile spinning machinery industry. It is a brand leader in manufacturing customized products. The only company in Asia that manufacture original equipment products for Mikron of Switzerland and achieved Top Export Award in textile machine exports

NIIT Technologies

NIITTECH | Rank: 57 | CMP: Rs 424 | BSE CODE: 532541

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2304.99 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 384.44 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 230.53 | ROCE (%): 24.26 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

NIIT TECHNOLOGIES is an IT company established in 2004.The company portfolio of service offerings encompasses application development and maintenance, infrastructure managed services, digital services and business process management. On consolidated basis, revenue during FY14 grew 14 per cent to Rs 2305 crores while PAT increased by 8.1 per cent to Rs 230.5 crores with respect to previous year. During the last five years the operating profit and net profit has increased of 17 per cent and 15 per cent CAGR respectively and recorded a price appreciation of about 44 per cent every year in the same period.


Ipca Laboratories

IPCALAB | Rank: 58 | CMP: Rs 731 | BSE CODE: 524494

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3281.77 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 760.6 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 478.54 | ROCE (%): 27.42 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.15

Ipca laboratories, established in 1949, is an international pharmaceutical company based out of Mumbai. Ipca is a fully-integrated Indian pharmaceutical company manufacturing over 350 formulations and 80 APIs for various therapeutic segments. It has been partnering healthcare globally in over 110 countries for more than 60 years. It is therapy leader in India for anti-malarial with a market share of over 34 per cent. It has emerged as one of India’s top exporters for more than 20 years in APIs with nearly 25 per cent of the turnover coming from it. Net income for the financial year ended 31st March 2014 was Rs 3,282 Crores and net profit was Rs 379 Crores.

Indraprastha Gas

IGL| Rank: 59 | CMP: Rs 423 | BSE CODE: 532514

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3922.16 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 803.47 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 360.26 | ROCE (%): 28.01 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.16

Indraprastha Gas (IGL) was incorporated in 1998 and took over Delhi city gas distribution project in 1999.This project was to lay network for distribution of natural gas in national capital to consumers in domestic, transport and commercial sectors. As Delhi government’s mandate on light commercial vehicles operating to run on compressed natural gas (CNG), IGL continues to augment its infrastructure so as to meet the increasing demand of CNG in Delhi. With backing up by GAIL and BPCL, IGL plans to provide natural gas in entire capital region. Having the market capitalisation of Rs 6055.01 crores, Indraprastha is playing a significant role in the gas industry.

Agro Tech Foods

ATFL | Rank: 60 | CMP: Rs 676 | BSE CODE: 500215

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 764.22 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 69.92 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 42.63 | ROCE (%): 19.88 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Agro Tech Foods (ATF) was incorporated in 1926.Company is established with modern edible oil refinery. Agro Tech Foods was formerly known as ITC Agro-Tech .ATF bought brands form ITC and transformed towards full-fledged marketing and manufacturing organisation. ATFL is engaged in the business of marketing food and food ingredients to consumers and institutional customers. The Company’s brands include Sundrop Oils, ACT II Popcorn, Sundrop Peanut Butter and Crystal. ATF is affiliated to the world’s largest food company ConAgra Foods.Inc of USA. It has been the leader in edible oils and solvent extraction sector with market capitalisation of Rs 1655.77 crores.


Vesuvius India

VESUVIUS | Rank: 61 | CMP: Rs 704 | BSE CODE: 520113

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 601.75 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 117.17 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 65.17 | ROCE (%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Vesuvius India, subsidiary of Vesuvius Group, U.K based is one of the emerging company with a market capitalisation of Rs 1421.23 crore. Vesuvius India Limited (Vesuvius) is an India-based company engaged in the manufacturing and trading of refractory goods. The Company also provides services in relation to refractory goods. The Company has operations in India and caters to both domestic and international markets. Its Kolkata factory is engaged in the manufacturing of Continuous Casting Refractories, including slide gate equipment’s and porous plugs. Its Visakhapatnam factories manufacture monolithics, pre-cast shapes and taphole clay and the Mehsana factory manufactures crucibles for non-ferrous industry.

Thomas Cook (India)

THOMASCOOK | Rank: 62 | CMP: Rs 210 | BSE CODE: 500413

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2373.94 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 223.31 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 110.08 | ROCE (%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Thomas Cook (India) Limited (TCIL) is an Indian-based integrated travel and travel related financial services company in the country offering a broad spectrum of services that include Foreign Exchange, Corporate Travel, MICE, Leisure Travel, Insurance, Visa and Passport services and E-Business. TCIL’s footprint currently extends to over 235 locations including 15 airport counters in 99 cities across India, Mauritius and Sri Lanka. Company’s net profit and operating profit has increased at a CAGR of 34 per cent and 28 per cent respectively in last five year ending FY14

Apollo Tyres

APOLLOTYRE | Rank: 63 | CMP: Rs 170 | BSE CODE: 500877

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 13411.98 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 1973.36 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 1005.06 | ROCE (%): 28.08 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.16

Apollo tyres, one of the largest tyre manufacturing and sales companies is carrying their operations in India and overseas since its inception in 1972. The company offers widest range of products spread across passenger car, light truck, truck-bus, off highway and bicycle tyres. In the last five years the company net profit and operating profit has been increased at CAGR of 49 per cent and 34 per cent respectively. At the end of its financial year on March 31, 2014, Apollo Tyres had clocked a turnover of USD 2.2 billion, backed by a global workforce of approximately 16000 employees.


Solar Industries India

SOLARINDS | Rank: 64 | CMP: Rs 3365 | BSE CODE: 532725

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1132.96 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 214.14 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 118.44 | ROCE (%): 17.41 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.23

Solar Industries India, incorporated in 1995 as a cartridge explosives producer is operating in chemicals sector. In the recent years company has become the largest manufacturer of industrial explosives and explosive initiating systems by enhancing their business in the India as well as in the global market. The Company owns and operates a single-location manufacturing capacity for Cartridge explosives. The Company is also an exporter of explosives from India with overseas manufacturing units in Nigeria and Turkey. Company’s share price has moved up at a rate of 56.15 per cent per annum in last five years.

Gabriel India

GABRIEL | Rank: 65 | CMP: Rs 86 | BSE CODE: 505714

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1286.61 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 96.03 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 42.6 | ROCE (%): 20.17 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.03

Gabriel India is an India-based company, engaged in manufacturing and marketing of ridge products. The Company’s automotive customer segments include the original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s), replacement market and exports. Gabriel India is the flagship company of ANAND having renowned name in the Indian Auto Component Industry. The company is dealing with massive range of finished products in Ride control category, which includes Shock Absorbers, Struts and Front Forks, in almost every automotive segment with over 300 product models on offer. Out of the total revenue of the company, 98.68 per cent of the revenue comes from the sales of finished goods .

Dhanuka Agritech

DHANUKA | Rank: 66 | CMP: Rs 662 | BSE CODE: 507717

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 738.41 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 125.35 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 93.14 | ROCE (%): 32.4 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Dhanuka Agritech is one of the top five companies in Pesticides & Agro Chemicals sector in terms of market capitalisation. Dhanuka’s market capitalization stands at Rs 2,971.91 crore which is one-fourth of the market capitalisation of the largest company in this sector. The company has witnessed good growth in its profitability during the last five years with a CAGR of 21 per cent in operating profit and 32 per cent in net profit. The shares held by the investors have also given them good returns with a CAGR of 23 per cent in price appreciation.


Tata Sponge Iron

TATASPONGE | Rank: 67 | CMP: Rs 828 | BSE CODE: 513010

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 782.22 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 180.77 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 101.18 | ROCE (%): 22.56 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Tata Sponge, which has its manufacturing facility at Bilaipada, Orissa, was initially set up as a joint venture company between Tata Steel and the Industrial Promotion and Investment Corporation of Orissa (IPICOL). It has moved on since, becoming an associate company of Tata Steel following the former’s acquisition of IPICOL’s stake in 1991. TSIL has the capacity to produce 390,000 tonnes of sponge iron per annum. The current market capitalisation of the company is Rs 1371.22 crore. The management of the company has been consistently efficient as the return on capital employed is 19.44 per cent which is more than the peer average of 7.13 per cent.

Kajaria Ceramics

KAJARIACER | Rank: 68 | CMP: Rs 767 | BSE CODE: 500233

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1877.89 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 239.56 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 116.74 | ROCE (%): 35.1 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Kajaria Ceramics, incorporated in 1985, is the largest ceramic floor and wall tile manufacturer in India. The company’s two manufacturing facilities are located at Sikandrabad in Uttar Pradesh and Gailpur in Rajasthan. The two units have manufacturing capacity of 9.70 million sq. metres and 16.7 million sq. metres, respectively. The company has a research and development facility that focuses on developing new designs and creating cost effective products. The company’s profitable growth during the last five years is easily visible as it has witnessed a CAGR of 67 per cent in net profit.


ICRA | Rank: 69 | CMP: Rs 3943 | BSE CODE: 532835

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 282.96 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 104.74 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 68.93 | ROCE (%): 24.41 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.04

ICRA, Indian independent and professional investment information and credit rating agency, is second largest Indian rating company in terms of customer base. The market capitalisation of the company stands at Rs 3,808.90 crore as on March 12, 2014. During the last five years ending FY14, company has witnessed a CAGR of 16 per cent in operating income and 12 per cent in net profit. The company’s share price speaks the entire growth story of the company as the stock price has appreciated at the rate of 36 per cent CAGR during the same period. The efficiency of the management is visible as return on equity and return on assets of 16.51 per cent and 79.35 per cent is higher than the peer average of 10.08 per cent and 22.67 per cent respectively.



KRBL | Rank: 70 | CMP: Rs 140 | BSE CODE: 530813

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2910.46 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 455.09 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 255.11 | ROCE (%): 16.84 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.2

KRBL is currently the world’s most favoured Basmati brand and also the largest Basmati exporter having its wings spread across regions like Asia, Middle East, Europe, USA, and Africa. The brands offered by the company are India Gate, Nur Jahan, Bemisal, Aarati and many more. Over the last five years the company has witnessed a CAGR of 31 per cent in net profit. Return on equity for KRBL Ltd is 26.01 per cent which is more than the peer average of 3.42 per cent. The operating profit margin of 14.45 per cent is more than the peer average of 11.42 per cent. This speaks the story about the efficiency of the management as well as the profitable growth of the company.


ATUL | Rank: 71 | CMP: Rs 1213 | BSE CODE: 500027

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2457.75 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 400 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 219.19 | ROCE (%): 27.1 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.13

Atul is a member of Lalbhai Group, one of the oldest business houses of India, with interests mainly in textiles and chemicals. It has a well-diversified product portfolio, serving wide range of customers in sectors like Aerospace, Agriculture, Automobile, Construction, Flavour & Fragrance, Paint & Coatings, Paper, Personal Care, Pharmaceutical, Textile, etc. The diversified revenue stream ensures that down-turn in one particular sector doesn’t affect its overall performance. The company manufactures about 900 products and 450 formulations divided into Life Science Chemicals and Performance and Other Chemicals.


MPS | Rank: 72 | CMP: Rs 884 | BSE CODE: 532440

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 188.29 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 71.38 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 43.44 | ROCE (%): 68.89 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

MPS is one of the biggest global suppliers of publishing services, started its operations in India in 1976 and 75 per cent stake is owned by ADI BPO Services. Company is engaged in digital publishing, interactive learning and multimedia, and creative designing. It operates through its offices in North America, Europe and India. Its solution portfolio includes books and journals publishing solutions, technology solutions, digital publishing solutions, creative and interactive solutions, and fulfillment and bpo solutions. Its books & journals publishing solutions include typesetting and XML workflows, editing and indexing and project management.


HT Media

HTMEDIA | Rank: 73 | CMP: Rs 127 | BSE CODE: 532662

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2200.7 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 474.8 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 207.53 | ROCE (%): 17.99 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.03

HT Media Limited is an India-based company engaged printing and publishing of newspapers and periodicals and radio broadcast and entertainment. It publishes Hindustan Times, an English daily, and Mint, a business paper daily except on Sunday and undertakes commercial printing jobs. It is also engaged into the business of providing entertainment, radio broadcast and all other related activities through its radio stations operating under brand name Fever 104 in cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore. Hindustan is Hindi newspaper of the Company. Total revenue of company increased from Rs 2,144 crore in FY13 to Rs 2,363 crore in FY14.

Natco Pharma

NATCOPHARM | Rank: 74 | CMP: Rs 2220 | BSE CODE: 524816

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 738.89 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 196.09 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 102.73 | ROCE (%): 18 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.13

Natco Pharma was incorporated at Kothur, Mahaboobnagar Dist, Andhra Pradesh. Company is engaged in manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). The Company’s segments include API, finished dosage formulations, job work charges and retail pharmacy. Natco includes Anti-Neoplastics, Anti-Depressants, Anti- Migraine, Anti- Osteoporosis, Anti-Asthma, Proton Pump Inhibitors and Therapeutic Peptides products in the therapeutic segments. Its Oncology products include Geftinat, Erlonat, Bortenat, Lenalid, Alphalan, Veenat and Desifer NATCO has five manufacturing facilities in India and four subsidiaries across the world.

Monsanto India

MONSANTO | Rank: 75 | CMP: Rs 3189 | BSE CODE: 524084

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 581.84 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 158.04 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 122.89 | ROCE (%): 42.42 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Monsanto India (MIL) is India-based Company providing technology-based solutions and agricultural products. The Company’s segments include Seeds & Traits and Crop Protection. The Seeds and Traits segment consists of the Company’s global seeds & traits business, and genetic technology platforms, including Breeding, Biotechnology and Genomics. MIL remains focused on enabling both small-holder and large-scale farmers to produce more from their land MIL is a subsidiary of the Monsanto Company based our of United States of America. The Company’s operating profit has grown at a CAGR of 11 per cent for last five years.


Navneet Educaton

NAVNETEDUL | Rank: 76 | CMP: Rs 113 | BSE CODE: 508989

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 882.12 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 211.5 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 115.15 | ROCE (%): 26.14 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Navneet education, formerly known as Navneet publications has emerged as a preferred brand for educational products in India. Company is in the business of educational, children and general book’s publication, scholastic paper and non-paper stationery products. The Company’s segments include publication and stationery. The company enjoys leadership position in India, Middle East, U.S.A and Europe. The company is trying to integrate technology into education through Digital learning and Leap bridge. The company has a market capitalisation of Rs 2643 crore which is more than the next four competitors market cap together.

Balkrishna Industries

BALKRISIND | Rank: 77 | CMP: Rs 634 | BSE CODE: 502355

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3771.85 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 903.73 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 474.62 | ROCE (%): 17.02 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.9

Balkrishna industry is manufacturer in the Off -Highway tyre market, focusing mainly on the segments like agricultural and industrial vehicles. More than 90 per cent of tyre production is exported to more than 120 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia, and Middle East. This company is the third largest tyre manufacturer in India after MRF and Apollo tyres in terms of market capitalization. The company’s compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of net profit is 45 per cent in the last five years and its price appreciated by 83 per cent in the same five years. ROCE of the company has on average remained in the range of 15-18 per cent for last five years. The company is expected to grow 15-20 per cent every year.

Supreme Industries

SUPREMEIND | Rank: 78 | CMP: Rs 700 | BSE CODE: 509930

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 3962.23 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 592.02 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 283.44 | ROCE (%): 34.44 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.25

The supreme industry is the largest manufacturer and seller of plastic products in India. The company offers cost effective products and provide strong solutions to construction industry. The company has a market cap of Rs 8,674.03 crore, which is more than the market cap of next two leading companies in India together. Supreme industry is a steady performer. The company’s compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of net profit is 26 per cent in the last five years. ROCE of the company has on average remained in the range of 36-41 per cent for last 5 years.


Rallis India

RALLIS | Rank: 79 | CMP: Rs 242 | BSE CODE: 500355

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1746.56 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 267.67 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 151.87 | ROCE (%): 28.64 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.04

Rallis India is one of the leading agrochemical companies and it’s a subsidiary of Tata Chemicals. It is engaged in the business of manufacturing and marketing agro chemicals, hybrid seeds, plant growth nutrients and organic manure. It is mainly an agro chemical player with agrochemicals constituting more than 50% its consolidated sales in FY14. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the company’s net profit is 16 per cent for the last five years. ROCE of the company is 28-32 per cent in the last five years, giving consistent returns year after year. Rallis is trying to build international business, which at present constitutes around 28 per cent of their portfolio.

Relaxo Footwears

RELAXO | Rank: 80 | CMP: Rs 671 | BSE CODE: 530517

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1211.83 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 149.36 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 65.64 | ROCE (%): 26.9 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.41

Relaxo is a key player in the retail footwear industry in India, with a strong foothold in the slippers market and a strong distribution channel of 700 distributors and more than 46,000 retailers. The company’s brands include Hawaii, Flite, Sparx, Schoolmate, Elena and Casualz. It has nine manufacturing plants, seven in Haryana and one each in Rajasthan and Haridwar. The Company has initiated modern trade through institutional sales and online shopping access in FY14 to the customers, to boost sales and have presence in all trade options. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the company’s revenue and net profit is 31 and 36 per cent respectively.

Entertainment Network (India)

ENIL| Rank: 81 | CMP: Rs 704 | BSE CODE: 532700

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 384.81 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 147.47 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 83.62 | ROCE (%): 19.93 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Entertainment Network India (ENIL), a subsidiary of Times Infotainment Media (TIML). ENIL operates in three segments: radio broadcasting segment, out-of-home media segment and experiential marketing segment. The Company has its voice over 40 cities in India, well known for its name as Radio Mirchi. The Company’s principal revenue stream is advertising. ENIL has continued to maintain a 33-35 per cent market share in terms of revenues in private FM industry during FY12-14. It is the only company in private FM space to maintain profitability levels consistently in the last 4 years. The company has achieved 22 per cent CAGR at net profit from FY12-14.


Granules India

GRANULES | Rank: 82 | CMP: Rs 879 | BSE CODE: 532482

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1095.86 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 162.6 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 75.23 | ROCE (%): 17.33 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.87

Granules India is a pharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of APIs, PFIs and Finished Dosages (FDs). It has presence over 60 countries, 88 per cent of its revenue is generated from exports. The company has improved sales mix by growing FDs from Rs 37 crore in FY10 to Rs 347 crore in FY14. In addition, it has diversified product mix and in FY14, nearly 60 per cent of sales came from molecules such as Metformin, Ibuprofen and Guaifenesin. The company has achieved 31 per cent CAGR in revenues and 77 per cent CAGR in earnings over past five years.

Grindwell Norton

GRINDWELL | Rank: 83 | CMP: Rs 703 | BSE CODE: 506076

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 965.5 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 156.78 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 83.92 | ROCE (%): 21.75 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.02

Grindwell Norton (GNL) pioneered the manufacture of Grinding Wheels in India. The Company has grown steadily and over the years has established itself as a strong leader in Abrasives, Silicon Carbide, High Performance Refractories and Performance Plastics. The areas of operations include Ceramic Industry, Non Ferrous (Copper and Aluminum), Foundry, Iron & Steel, energy, Wear Resistant Products, Armor Protection and Heat Treatment. The company’s compounded annual growth rate of net profit is 9 per cent for the last five years. It is a debt free company. The market price has appreciated by 38 per cent in last five years.

SKF India

SKFINDIA | Rank: 84 | CMP: Rs 1437 | BSE CODE: 500472

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2274.96 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 302.47 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 166.72 | ROCE (%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

SKF India manufactures bearings and related components, which are used in a range of applications across industries. Its products include bearings, seals, lubrication solutions, linear motion, actuation systems, maintenance products, condition monitoring, coupling systems, among others. The Company serves a range of industries, including aerospace, agriculture, automation, compressors, construction, electric motors, food and beverage, home appliances, industrial pumps, machine tools, marine, metals, railways, among others. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of company’s net profit is 7 per cent for the last five years.


3M India

3MINDIA | Rank: 85 | CMP: Rs 7980 | BSE CODE: 523395

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1742.34 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 130.84 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 42.99 | ROCE (%): 10.21 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.01

3M India is the Indian subsidiary of 3M Corporation which is a technological company serving customers and communities with diversified innovative products and services. The Company operates in five segments: Consumer, Industrial, Health Care, Safety and Graphics and Energy. The company has well known brands like Scotch, Post it, Scotch Brite, Scotchgard, Vikuiti, Command, Nexcare, Thinsulate and Littman. The company is third largest in terms of market capitalisation with market cap of Rs 8115 crores. The market price has appreciated by 42 per cent over five years. Return on capital employed (ROCE) has on average remained 21 per cent for the last five years.

Hexaware Technologies

HEXAWARE | Rank: 86 | CMP: Rs 279 | BSE CODE: 532129

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2581.68 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 425.58 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 320.15 | ROCE (%): 0 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Hexaware Technologies (Hexaware) is engaged in information technology consulting, software development and business process outsourcing. Hexaware Technologies provides IT & ITES services and consulting to global clients primarily in the BFSI and Travel & Transportation verticals, which accounts to 36 and 18 per cent of revenues respectively and remaining 46 per cent of revenues are contributed by emerging segments like healthcare, manufacturing and others in CY14. Hexaware has 36 global offices and 236 active customers. The company’s five year CAGR in net profit is 45 per cent. The market price has appreciated by 30 per cent over five years.


BIOCON | Rank: 87 | CMP: Rs 426 | BSE CODE: 532523

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2877.3 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 743 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 413.8 | ROCE (%): 13.91 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.2

Biocon is a biopharmaceutical company, engaged in manufacturing biotechnology products. Biocon delivers biopharmaceutical solutions, ranging from discovery to development and commercialization. The Company operates in five segments: Small Molecules, Biosimilars, Branded Formulations, Novel Molecules and Research Services. The Company’s products include INSUGEN, insulin analogue Glargine, BASALOG, BioMAb-EGFR, for head and neck cancer and insulin delivery device INSUPen. The company has consistently invested around 10 per cent of annual Biopharma turnover in drug innovation, which makes us the sector’s highest R&D investors. The company has achieved 34 per cent CAGR at net profit from FY09-14.


Engineers India

ENGINERSIN | Rank: 88 | CMP: Rs 212 | BSE CODE: 532178

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1846.47 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 721.81 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 482.73 | ROCE (%): 28.03 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Engineers India (EIL) is one of the leading design and engineering organization in India. EIL provides engineering consultancy and EPC services principally focused on the oil & gas and petrochemical industries. The Company has also diversified into sectors like infrastructure, water and waste management, solar and nuclear power and fertilizers to leverage its strong technical competencies and track record. On the business front, the company has secured new business of Rs 1155 crore in FY14 which includes Rs 1085 crore from domestic consultancy and turnkey business and Rs 70 crore from overseas business.

Whirlpool of India

WHIRLPOOL | Rank: 89 | CMP: Rs 702 | BSE CODE: 500238

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2834.64 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 239.46 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 122.91 | ROCE (%): 23.73 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Whirlpool is one of the leading home appliances manufacturers. It is primarily engaged in manufacturing and trading of Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Microwave Ovens and small appliances and caters to both domestic and international markets. In addition, the Company also offers water purifiers, including RO water purifier and Non-Electric water purifier. It provides services in the area of product development, and procurement services to other group companies. The CAGR in net profit is 12 per cent for the last five years.

Jyothy Laboratories

JYOTHYLAB | Rank: 90 | CMP: Rs 270 | BSE CODE: 532926

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1323.87 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 161.38 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 81.43 | ROCE (%): 10.86 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.72

Leveraging the strong brand equity of Ujala (fabric whitener and detergents), which had over 70 per cent market share, Jyothy Laboratories diversified from a single brand into a multi-product company in the past few years. Having built strong brands of its own until FY11—Maxo (mosquito repellent) and Exo (dishwash)—the company extended its footprint in the fast-moving consumer goods market through acquisition of loss-making Henkel India in FY12. The acquisition added to Jyothy Laboratories’ kitty with brands such as Henko, Mr. White, Chek, Pril, Margo, Neem and Fa. The acquisition of Henkel also provided the company with a larger geographical presence in northern and eastern India.



FDC | Rank: 91 | CMP: Rs 157 | BSE CODE: 531599

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 845.85 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 246.38 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 135.32 | ROCE (%): 26.13 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

FDC is a pharmaceutical company that offers a wide range of foods, antibiotics to its consumer on a daily basis. It offers quality products and treatments to its customers. The brand strength lies in the materials they use in their laboratories. Their products are associated with Indian drugs association that gives a quality assurance in the manufacturing process. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of the company’s net profit is 7 per cent with an operating profit of 15 per cent in the last five years. The company’s focus is to increase penetration in the market and to grow 20 per cent per annum in sales for the next 3-5 years.

Marksans Pharma

MARKSANS | Rank: 92 | CMP: Rs 57 | BSE CODE: 524404

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 630 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 121.24 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 71.91 | ROCE (%): 39.45 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.26

Marksans Pharma is an Indian pharmaceutical company having a global footprint. MPL has strong presence in CVS, CNS, anti-allergic and cough and cold segments Marksans Pharma gets 100 per cent of its revenues from export formulations and out of which, 90 per cent is from the regulated markets. The company has successfully turned around and is now ready for its second phase of journey, which would be growth-driven. MPL is out of BIFR and has repaid a substantial amount of FCCBs out of its internal accruals, signifying healthy cash generation. In FY14, net profit rose 40.4 per cent to Rs 55.6 crore and sales rose 63.8 per cent to Rs 315 crore on YoY basis.

J B Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals

JBCHEPHARM | Rank: 93 | CMP: Rs 189 | BSE CODE: 506943

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1021.86 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 186.2 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 61.5 | ROCE (%): 14.05 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

J. B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals (JBCPL) is one of India’s fastest growing pharmaceutical companies. JBCPL has 7 manufacturing sites in Gujarat and Maharashtra for formulations and API. Today, JBCPL exports 45 per cent of sales to over 30 countries across the world and earns more than half its revenue from its international business. JBCPL exports its products to countries across the globe, including Russia, Ukraine, CIS countries and South Africa. The top 4 therapeutic segments are: Gastro-enterology, Cardiovascular, Pain management and Antibiotic. Acute segment contributes about 82 per cent of total sales. The company has achieved 19 per cent CAGR in net profit and 7 per cent in sales from FY09-14.


Kennametal India

KENNAMET | Rank: 94 | CMP: Rs 917 | BSE CODE: 505890

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 545.13 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 56.37 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 17.07 | ROCE (%): 8.93 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Kennametal India is a global supplier of tooling, engineered components and advanced materials that are consumed in production processes. The Company operates in two business segments namely hard metal and hard metal products and machining solution group (MSG). The Company’s products are supplied to various industries, such as aerospace, earthworks, energy, transportation, general engineering and machine tools. The Company improved its operating results during FY14 with total income increasing by 10.86 per cent to Rs 551.5 crore compared with Rs 497.5 crore in the previous year. The growth in sales and PAT for the year was driven by improved demand for the products.

Ratnamani Metals & Tubes

RATNAMANI | Rank: 95 | CMP: Rs 745 | BSE CODE: 520111

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1326.1 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 270.43 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 142.81 | ROCE (%): 26.74 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.02

Ratnamani Metals & Tubes is a manufacturer of Tubes & Pipes in Stainless Steel/Exotic material for wide spectrum of applications in India. Company provid critical tubing and piping solutions to diverse range of industries and niche markets in core sectors that include Chemical, Petro-chemical etc. The demand for the pipes segment is improve materially from its key user industry, the oil and gas sector. The interconnection of the rivers across the country (connecting 72 rivers, BJP manifesto) would be the key demand driver for the CS pipes segment going ahead. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of the company’s net profit is 15 per cent in the last five years

Alstom India

AIL | Rank: 96 | CMP: Rs 700 | BSE CODE: 532309

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2605.31 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 268.11 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 230.67 | ROCE (%): 22.25 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Alstom India, formerly ALSTOM Projects India, is engaged in providing solutions for energy and transport requirements. The Company is engaged in the business of engineering, procurement, manufacturing, construction and servicing of power plants and power equipment, and transportation systems covering traction, signaling and train control for the railways and metros. The Company operates in two segments: Power segment and Transport segment. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of the company’s net profit is 11 per cent in the last five years.


Finolex Cables

FINCABLES | Rank: 97 | CMP: Rs 292 | BSE CODE: 500144

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2359.04 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 296.54 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 207.68 | ROCE (%): 20.17 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.11

Finolex Cables Ltd (FCL) is one of India’s largest manufacturers of electrical and telecommunication cables with 9 per cent market share across India. FCL’s 50 per cent of the revenue comes from B2C segment (Dealer and retail network); while rest 50 per cent of the revenue comes from B2B segment such as from construction, automotive, industrial customers. The construction sector’s growth is coming in from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities rather than restricted to metros. Moreover, with the new government’s endeavor for developing a robust and stable infrastructure and customer’s increasingly demanding high-quality and branded wires, potential demand outlook for cables looks positive.

Akzo Nobel India

AKZOINDIA | Rank: 98 | CMP: Rs 1452 | BSE CODE: 500710

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2417.9 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 248.6 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 150.2 | ROCE (%): 24.16 | Debt/Equity (x): 0

Akzo Nobel India Ltd (ANL) is India’s 4th largest branded paint company and has over 100 years of presence in India with more than 75 warehouses and 8500 dealers. It has six manufacturing facilities at Mohali, Hyderabad, Thane, Mahad, Bangalore, & Gwalior and two R&D Centers - one each at Thane & Bangalore. ANL has increased its manufacturing capacity from 93 million in FY11 to 186 million liters/annum in FY14 by setting up two manufacturing facility in Hyderabad and Gwalior by spending of Rs 1.9 bn through internal accruals. The company is also contemplating to expand its capacity by another 100 million liters by FY15 with an investment of Rs 2.5 bn.

McLeod Russel (India)

MCLEODRUSS | Rank: 99 | CMP: Rs 246 | BSE CODE: 532654

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 1788.76 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 396.97 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 257.15 | ROCE (%): 14.96 | Debt/Equity (x): 0.04

McLeod Russel India is engaged in tea plantation and manufacturing activities. The Company manufactures approximately 100 million kilograms of tea a year from its tea estates in Assam and West Bengal, India, Vietnam, Uganda and Rwanda. In FY14, the company has achieved 11.4 per cent higher production at 871 lakhkga as compared to the previous year. The company is mulling to diversify its business to derisk its plantation business due to uncertain weather conditions and help them grow over the next decade. Diversification can be on tea, agri-related or any other area.

Metalyst Forgings

Metalyst | Rank: 100 | CMP: Rs 268 | BSE CODE: 513335

Financial Metrics:

Sales (Rs/Cr): 2397.04 | Operating Profit (Rs/Cr): 614.88 | Net Profit (Rs/Cr): 193.09 | ROCE (%): 15 | Debt/Equity (x): 1.44

Company was incorporated on 21st March 1977. The company manufactures closed die steel forgings. The Company had undertaken an expansion programme for steel forgings in automobiles as well as in general engineering industry, the company had undertaken an expansion programme by selling up a new plant of investment of Rs 5.8 crore. The company’s product portfolio consists of a range of components for 2/3 wheelers, cars, tractors, light commercial vehicles (LCV), heavy commercial vehicles (HCV) and stationary engines. The compounded annual growth (CAGR) of the company’s net profit is 40 per cent and an operating profit of 41 per cent for the last five years.


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