Top 5 Holdings of Highly Rated Mid-Cap Mutual Funds
Mid-cap mutual funds are open-ended mutual fund schemes which primarily invests in 101st to 250th company in terms of full market capitalization. Mid-cap funds perform better than large-cap funds during bull runs as they show their real potential for growth. On other hand, in mid-cap funds, an investor can lose the value of his investment in case of the bear market. So, these funds aren’t suitable for investors with lower risk or moderate risk appetites.
Click Here to access the mid-cap funds rating given by rating agencies such as CRISIL, Morningstar and Value Research.
Let’s take a look at the top 5 holdings of top-rated mid-cap funds:

From the above tables, we can see every fund has a unique portfolio. However, an investor should study the mutual fund portfolio so that he can invest wisely in the mutual fund holding companies, which he's willing to.