The winners of Hybrid-Equity oriented funds
In the current volatile market, investors are diversifying their portfolios to safeguard their investment and avoid losses. Diverse asset classes perform in a different way during different phases in the market. This is the primary reasons why investors should diversify their portfolios into different assets.
Hybrid funds are one of the best options for the diversification. These funds are the safer investment option as these funds invest in both types of securities that is equity and debt. Equity-oriented hybrid schemes invest 65 per cent of the corpus into the equity and remaining into the debts and other asset classes.
Being a mutual fund investor, one should know the right hybrid fund for the investment. To ease the investors, we have analysed the historical performance of the equity-oriented hybrid schemes and filtered top schemes among them which have performed well in longer and shorter run.
According to our data analysis among 55 hybrid equity-oriented schemes, below mentioned schemes are the best performers in the last 5 years which suggests consistency in returns. Moreover, the best performers in the last one year are expected to reap more returns in near term.