Do you own this commodity stock that despite all odds generated 490 per cent returns in just six months? Do you own this commodity stock that despite all odds generated 490 per cent returns in just six months? Since the last five trading sessions, the stock has hit back-to-back upper circuits! Mandar Wagh / Sunday, October 9, 2022 / Article rating: 4.8 Since the last five trading sessions, the stock has hit back-to-back upper circuits!
Do you own this multibagger commodity stock that generated 150 per cent returns in just one month against all industry odds? Do you own this multibagger commodity stock that generated 150 per cent returns in just one month against all industry odds? The shares of company surged over 630 per cent in just six months, thanks to months of back-to-back upper circuits. Mandar Wagh / Tuesday, August 16, 2022 / Article rating: 4.3 The shares of company surged over 630 per cent in just six months, thanks to months of back-to-back upper circuits.