BLS Intl authorised to process Vietnam visa application BLS Intl authorised to process Vietnam visa application Gayathri Udyawar / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 5.0 Leading consular and visa process outsourcing company has been appointed to accept visa applications in India by the Vietnamese Embassy. It's the only company authorised to handle this service for that country in India.
Advanced Enzyme zooms up 17 per cent Advanced Enzyme zooms up 17 per cent Gayathri Udyawar / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 3.0 The stock of Advanced Enzyme was buzzing and zoomed up by 17 per cent during the afternoon trading session on Friday. The stock has seen consecutive gains for more than a week.
Ashok Leyland win 1,290 buses order from GSRTC Ashok Leyland win 1,290 buses order from GSRTC Pratik Shastri / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 2.9 India’s largest heavy vehicle manufacturer, Ashok Leyland informed that the company has secured an order for 1,290 buses.
Ten stocks close to their 52-weeks low Ten stocks close to their 52-weeks low Shital Jibhe / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 3.7 Following stocks are close to their 52-weeks low as at 1.04 p.m. on March 8, 2019.
Ten stocks close to their 52-weeks high Ten stocks close to their 52-weeks high Shital Jibhe / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 4.5 The markets on March 8, 2019 opened gap down. BSE Sensex is trading at 36,630.76, down by 94.66 points and the Nifty is trading at 11,020.05, down by 38.15 points.
Lupin gets approval for atorvastatin calcium tablets Lupin gets approval for atorvastatin calcium tablets Shohini Nath / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 5.0 Lupin has received approval for its Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets from the US drug regulator.
VA Tech Wabag secures Clean Ganga order of Rs. 575 crore VA Tech Wabag secures Clean Ganga order of Rs. 575 crore Gayathri Udyawar / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 4.5 The water management company bagged a Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) order from the Namami Gange mission. The project is worth Rs. 575 crore for the design and operation of a sewage treatment facility in Kolkata.
KNR Constructions bags Rs. 920 crore HAM project KNR Constructions bags Rs. 920 crore HAM project Amir Shaikh / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 4.0 KNR Constructions informed bourses that it has bagged Hybrid Annuity Project (HAM) with Bid Project Cost of Rs. 920 crore and the first year O&M cost is Rs 3.00 crore for the work of ‘Four Laning of Oddanchatram - Madathukulam section of NH - 209.
L&T Finance raises Rs. 2,228 crore via bonds L&T Finance raises Rs. 2,228 crore via bonds Advait Dharmadhikari / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 5.0 L&T Finance has raised Rs. 2,228.06 crore worth of subscriptions which is 4.45 times the base issue size of Rs. 500 crore. The company announced an early closure of the public issue due to over-subscription of the tranche I issue.
Five stocks with selling interest Five stocks with selling interest Shital Jibhe / Friday, March 8, 2019 / Article rating: 5.0 Overall volumes in futures & options currently stand at 2.80 crore contracts with a turnover of Rs. 17,03,076.34 crore.