After witnessing one of the worst falls in 10 months, Sensex closed with a huge profit of 1,736 points, or up 3.08 per cent, and closed of 58,142.05 today. The Sensex MidCap index gained by 626 points and ended the day at 24,025.39 levels. Similarly, the BSE SmallCap also jumped by 542 points and stood at 28,043.69 at day end. The Nifty 50 index also soared by 509 points and closed at 17,352 levels. The Bank Nifty shot up by 1264 points and ended at 38,173.25. The NSE's India VIX, a gauge of the market's expectation of volatility over the near term, slipped by 10.27 per cent i.e. by 2.36 points to 20.62 levels.