Large-cap funds that got investors smiling last month
It has been a roller coaster ride for investors in the last few months. The sharp downfall in the Indian as well as global equity indices have eaten up the returns of investors. With such volatility many investors have switched to large-cap funds and stocks to safeguard their investment. The large-cap funds post SEBI's recategorization will be investing major portion of their corpus into large-cap companies.
In the last one month, various schemes have managed to reap better returns in volatile markets. To find out the best fund among these, we have analysed all the large-cap schemes and their respective one month returns to filter the top performers among them.
According to our data analysis below mentioned large-cap schemes are the top performers in the last one month.

To analyse the schemes properly, we have gone through the portfolios of all these top performers. According to our analysis, these funds have invested their major corpus under finance, energy, automobile and technology sectors. The sectors like energy and automobile are expected to do well in the upcoming years too, so the outlook for these funds seems to be stable in the longer run.