It is advantage bulls in these three stocks
The markets at all-time highs will often throw several stocks with bullish indicators. Momentum investors and swing traders often use different indicators that suit their investment and trading strategy to time the markets and purchase their high conviction stock.
Often Bullish Moving Average Crossover, Bullish MACD crossover and Bullish Stochastic Crossover are used as indicators to time the markets.
The movement in following stocks should not be ignored by investors and traders alike:
Symphony: The stock is showing divergence in RSI and has gained on Thursday with rising volumes. The shares of Symphony have reflected a bullish stochastic crossover and this gives the bulls a clear advantage in coming sessions. Symphony has been in downtrend and is trading below its 30D EMA while the positive closing on Thursday has placed the stock above the 9D SMA.
Varun Beverages: Unlike Symphony Varun Beverages is in positive intermediate uptrend with the stock clearly making higher highs and higher lows. The stock is trading above the key moving averages like 9D EMA and 30D EMA. Also, the stock has reflected a bullish Stochastic Crossover giving an advantage to the bulls.
VIP Industries: VIP Industries gave a positive closing on Thursday even as the stocks gained with rising volumes. A bullish stochastic crossover was seen in the stock while the stock managed to close above the 9D MA. The price action in VIP Industries may enthuse bulls.