BSE StAR MF contributes Net Equity Inflow of 74 per cent that is Rs 6,396 crore to Industrys Net Equity Inflow of Rs 8,677 crore in September 2021
Continuing its stellar performance, BSE StAR MF, India's largest regulated Exchange-based online Mutual Funds Distribution platform is moving consistently towards transforming itself into a unique end-to-end-value based platform.
With all mutual funds and distributors channelising their transactions through online platforms and despite the outbreak of Covid-19 BSE StAR MF contributes Net Equity Inflow of 74 per cent that is Rs. 6,396 crore as compared to industry’s Net Equity Inflow of Rs. 8,677 crore in September 2021.
BSE StAR MF also set a record of highest monthly transaction of 1.52 cr in September 2021compared to its previous best of 1.41 crore in August 2021.
The platform also achieved its highest ever new SIPs of 9.71 lakh registered in a month in September 2021 as compared to previous highest of 9.09 lakh in August 2021.
Overall, the platform achieved 83 per cent of the transaction within 6 months which is 7.80 crore during FY 21-22(Apr – Sep) as compared to 9.38 crore transactions during FY 20-21.
BSE StAR MF Key Highlights:
For September 2021 it was Rs. 35,242 crore compared to Rs. 36,277 crore on August 2021.
For September 2021 it was Rs. 35,242 crore compared to Rs. 24,493 Cr. on September 2020, a significant growth of 44 per cent.
Turnover for Q2 FY 21-22 was Rs. 1,09,836 crore as compared to Rs. 75,531 crore for Q2 FY 20-21, increase by 45 per cent
Net Equity Inflow:
For September 2021 it was Rs. 6,396 crore compared to Rs. 7,614 crore for August 2021.
For September 2021 it was Rs. 6,396 crore compared to Rs. 1,488 crore for September 2020.
Net Equity inflow during Q2 FY 21-22 is Rs. 21,524 crore compared to Rs. 2,808 crore for Q2 FY21
For September 2021 it was 1.52 crore as compared to 1.41 crore for August 2021 an increase by 8 per cent
For September 2021 it was 1.52 crore as compared to 71.93 lakh for September 2020 an incredible growth of 111 per cent
Transactions during Q2 FY22 was 4.26 crore as compared to 2.14 crore during Q2 FY21, tremendous growth by 99 per cent
New SIP Registrations:
BSE StAR MF App (StAR MF Mobility) has processed over 34.79 lakh transactions since its launch, amounting to Rs. 15,835 Cr as on Sep 2021. The app was launched to help Mutual Fund Distributors register clients on real-time basis and execute paperless transactions. Because of the superior support system and distribution reach of BSE StAR MF, the platform has grown exponentially with network of over 70,796 distributors in India.
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