Bonus Issue of Shares: SRF declares bonus issue of shares; stocks trades at all-time highs
The shares of SRF traded with optimism on Tuesday after its prices jumped higher by more than 4 per cent. The share price of SRF crossed the levels of Rs 10,000/- for the first time. SRF traded at life highs after the company announced on bourses that it will be issue bonus shares in the ratio 1:4. The company will be issuing 4 shares of Rs 10/- each to every 1 share of Rs 10/- held by the shareholders on the record date.
Bonus Issue is sentimentally positive for the stock. In 2021 alone the stock is up by ~80 per cent while in one year the stock is up by more than 147 per cent. In one month, the stock has gained by gained by 13 per cent. In past 5 trading sessions the stock is up by 12.40 per cent.
SRF Limited is a multi-business chemicals conglomerate engaged in the manufacturing of industrial and specialty intermediates. The company’s business portfolio covers Fluorochemicals, Specialty Chemicals, Packaging Films, Technical Textiles, Coated and Laminated Fabrics.