Best Performing Funds
The inflows into equity mutual fund have slowed down in the last couple of months and are below Rs. 5,000 crore mark. One of the reasons for such lacklustre inflows is the worsening performance of their investments. Most of the investors who invested in the MF schemes are witnessing their portfolio in red. This is especially true for small-cap and mid-cap dedicated funds.
It’s not the problem with the funds but with the entire market that has been performing badly except for some of the large-cap companies that have to withstand this turmoil in the stock market.
Although large-cap funds have performed better than other categories of funds in absolute terms, when it comes to comparison with their benchmark, they have not performed like their small counterparts.
Out of the total 28 large-cap funds, only 4 funds have been able to beat their benchmark return in the last one year ending June 21, 2019. That is, only 14 per cent of the fund were able to outperform their respective benchmarks.
In case of mid-cap funds, 60 per cent of the funds beat their respective benchmarks while 14 out of 15 small-cap funds have beaten their benchmarks.
Large Cap Funds That Have Outperformed Their Benchmarks
Mid Cap Funds That Have Outperformed Their Benchmarks
Small Cap Funds That Have Outperformed Their Benchmarks